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    1. June 13th, 2011 - Dream Fragments

      by , 06-14-2011 at 12:17 PM
      Awake - Dream - Lucid

      These might be even less accurate than they were before because of the forum rollback.

      I didn't do much during the day. Sundays are usually quite boring. Mostly I just watched TV or checked the forums. At 10PM on the dot is when I passed out.

      Dream Fragment 1 - 1:10AM
      I was trying to stop a King's son from breaking into the castle through a small window.

      No idea what the hell this dream was trying to tell me.

      Woke up, did a reality check, then grabbed my iPod to put in some notes. I didn't think I'd be up this early so I quickly passed out again.

      Dream Fragment 2 - 3:20AM
      I was running up the ramp side on the map Radiation in Call of Duty: Black Ops. I had an RPG out and there was a guy camping with an assault rifle (don't know which but looked like a SCAR) at the spot where the button for the door was. I tried to hit him but he flew into the air wearing what seemed like a jetpack from Halo: Reach. His jetpack short circuited and he fell to his death.

      I've been wanting to play some Call of Duty with my little brother for awhile now. I guess I either miss him, the game, or both.

      Woke up thinking it would be morning but after checking my iPod, I found it was still pretty early. I did a RC then I put in some notes then tired to do a WILD. I didn't get very far before falling back asleep.

      Dream Fragment 3 - 4:40AM
      Rushodd was in the bathroom using his Gorilla hair gel and Courtney was in the front room making a giant blanket out of t-shirts that were mostly blue or greenish.

      Spent all weekend with Rushodd, Courtney, Shayla, and John. I probably dreamed more about them but this is all I recall. I looked at that hair gel every time I went to use the bathroom, shower, or change. The blanket was from me practicing ADA and focusing on John's blanket in his bedroom and is blue and green. It was made from T-shirts because it made me think of Twilight when I was awake.

      Woke up again and immediately did a RC. After realizing I was awake a third time I put in more notes then really tired to WILD. I laid still for a good half hour before I fell back asleep.

      Dream Fragment 4 - Unknown Time
      I was playing Terraria with about 3 other people. We had a small, makeshift house that I was trying to search for a Floating Island to the right of. After I gave up, I went to the left to find my teammates, only to discover they dug a humongous hole. I followed the tunnel down for quite awhile before I got into a brightly lit cavern that had a ton of chests in it (NTS: There was a chest 5 times normal size as well). They were all empty of course. I dug to the left of one of the chests near the giant one to find a hidden one in the dirt. Inside was a Red Balloon (Actual item in-game that increases jump height). I was ecstatic and swapped on of my "Angry Blue Pillows" for it (The pillow doesn't exist and the actual item that does what it claimed to do is the Lucky Horseshoe). After that I continue down and left till I finally caught up with my teammates. We were all on the red team so I could see their location. I only remember that their names started with R and P. We dug some water pockets out and continued left for a bit. The dream ends while we are digging.

      I've played a ton of Terraria in the last few weeks. It's not surprising I'd dream of it.

      This recall triggered after I loaded up Terraria on my laptop around 7AM. I couldn't believe how strong of a memory of that dream came rushing back to me just from loading the game.

      Dream Fragment 5 - Unknown Time
      Andrew, Tony, and I were in a school of some sort and were headed to the bathroom. The bathroom was giant compared to normal ones, which, isn't uncommon for my dreams. After taking a piss I noticed that everywhere in the bathroom there was pee. It was on everything. Even on some of those cushion booths like you see at restaurants. I wiped up a small corner (not very well) and hide there while waiting on the Janitor. When he finally arrived after the principal went to get him (NTS: it was a female principal), he was really pissed off. He was wearing a blueish-gray jumpsuit with salt and pepper hair, short, glasses, and a goatee.

      I guess I had to use the bathroom. The principal was most likely female because all of mine were in school. The janitor most likely looked like he did because whenever someone says janitor, I think of the one from Scrubs.

      This recall was triggered after I used the bathroom. Again, dreams work in strange ways.

      I finally got up around 6:30AM to post these. I can't believe I remembered 5 dreams in a single night! I'm happy that I'm making progress.