• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. KarmaRhyme's Avatar
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      Of course! I mean, I was sleeping at the bottom of a dark cavern as my brother eerily watched, so really, not a lot of it does make too much sense!
    2. MissLucy's Avatar
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      Awesome! I had a lucid dream within a non-lucid dream too and I thought that was awesome, but you had no less than TWO

      This was mine:
      The main dream was about my mum and i having an operation. When we were put under, i had a lucid dream. But when i woke up, back into the main dream, i did not maintain my lucidity.

      Which is a bit stupid, because NOTHING was rational in the main dream. ..the operation room was a field, the sky was Orange and the doctors were skelletons. ..noooothing weird at all about that which might suggest being in a dream, right? XD