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    1. Driving on the freeway...backwards!

      by , 11-10-2011 at 03:42 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      In my dream last night, I'm driving down the freeway in my truck. A friend of mine is riding in the passenger seat and he seems a bit nervous because I'm having a little bit of trouble staying in my lane but otherwise my driving is okay. I look at all the other cars on the road and they're giving me a wide berth. And then I realize...I'm driving in reverse at high speed. That explains why it's difficult to keep the truck centered in the lane. I'm actually having fun and marveling at my mad driving skills when I notice a second vehicle coming onto the freeway and it's going backwards too. He comes up right behind me but I accelerate and get way ahead of him. I want to do one of those manuevers where you whip around 180 degrees and keep driving without slowing down, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. So I try whipping the steering wheel around while hitting the brakes...but before I know if it works or not, I wake up.
    2. Just one dream fragment last night...

      by , 10-25-2011 at 11:02 AM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      Ate a couple of slices of cheese and took a vitamin B-6 supplement(100mg) yesterday evening before bed, so I was diappointed that I only remember a fragment of one dream from last night:

      I'm in my truck in what looks like a suburban setting. A friend of mine is in another truck close by. We're on our way to the same destination. As I'm getting ready to turn right and drive down this one street, I see my friend take another route. I look toward where he is going, see that it's a shorter route and cut through a gas station parking lot in an effort to get ahead of him. I pull out to the right and get in the left turn lane at a traffic light. I look in my rearview mirror for my friend, don't see him and realize he has taken a different route.
      The light changes and I make the left turn, driving across a bridge that spans a small river or canal. Once on the other side, I make a left turn and follow the road, looking to see which way my friend went. It's slow going because there are cars in front of me and one of them is driving really slow. Eventually, though, I see the road my friend had taken (a straight shot with no traffic lights) and realize he is now way ahead of me.
    3. Getting to the beach

      by , 10-02-2011 at 03:25 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      In my dream last night, I remember driving. I was in a car with someone (a female) and I was driving back and forth between another person's house and the beach. After driving the route a couple of times, I found a shortcut down this dirt road that would cut the trip in half. So my friend and I drove to the person's house and told him about the shortcut. He wanted to drive, so I let him. But when we came to the dirt road, he missed the turn. I told him he had missed the turn, so we had to back up for what seemed like a long time and ended up starting all over. But when we finally got to the turn, there were a bunch of men there installing barriers and turnstile-type gates so that no cars could get through. So we ended up having to go the rest of the way on foot. At the very last part was a tall slide that you had to climb up and slide down to get to the beach. I looked up and noticed that towards the top of the ladder, a couple of rungs were missing. I remember thinking it looked dangerous and didn't know if I wanted to climb up the ladder or not. My friend that I had been driving with climbed up the ladder and went down the slide out of sight on the other side of this sand dune. I ran over to see if she was all right and she told me that she was and that the bottom of the slide curved and launched you out in the air and down this embankment. I looked at what she was talking about and realized that she had been lucky to land where she had because if she had gone any further, she would have fallen off of a cliff.

      In my next dream, I'm with a group of people about to go scuba diving. We are getting ready for the dive but everyone is taking so long that it's getting dark outside. I remember thinking, "It's not supposed to be but this is turning into a night dive. I had better go get my dive lights."
    4. A monkey and kidnapped women

      by , 09-16-2011 at 01:07 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      I remember two dreams from last night.

      In my first dream, I’m outside of a house. Someone is telling me that there is an animal of some kind (a raccoon, squirrel or opossum) up in the attic of this house that makes an awful racket at night when people are trying to sleep. Me and another guy (unknown…but in the dream I know he is a friend) are going to try and catch whatever it is. Funny thing about the house, though, is that the front outside wall is missing so we are able to climb ladders and access the attic from outside. When I get to the top of my ladder, I look inside and spot something moving – it’s a small monkey, like the kind you see with organ grinders. He seems friendly, so I coax him over and grab him with one hand. This startles him and at first I think he’s going to bite me. I winch in anticipation, but the bite never comes. So I take the monkey and toss him outside onto the ground, then climb down the ladder. But when I turn to look at the monkey, I see that it is no longer alive and has somehow transformed into a toy stuffed monkey.

      In my second dream, I’m driving a van and there are a couple of guys I don’t know in the van with me. We also have two women with us but they seem to each be sealed in some kind of big, square plastic bag filled with water. They are both alive and angry and demanding to be let out. I know somehow that we have kidnapped them and are driving someplace. One of the men in the van is angry with me because we are driving close to a news van/crew and he’s afraid they will be able to see inside our van and see and/or film the two women being held hostage. But I reassure him that I’m swerving in such a way that the news crew won’t be able to see them.

      That’s all I remember from the second dream. I need to work on my RC’s throughout the day because, as crazy as some of my dreams are, there is no reason why I should not be recognizing them as dreams.
    5. Bugs, Borg and bicycles

      by , 09-14-2011 at 12:33 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      Had several dreams last night, some of them fragments.

      In my first dream (fragment), I am at a hotel or office somewhere with some friends of mine. All I remember from it is that I had several bumps or welts on my face, neck and arms, like from a bug bite. But on closer inspection, the bumps seem to each have a little window on top of them and inside you can see tiny mechanical or electronic components. They look something like small Borg implants from the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.

      An interesting side note: I actually AM staying at a hotel right now in Roatan, Honduras. And you have to constantly stay sprayed down with insect repellent because there are these little no-see-um bugs that bite and leave welts like mosquitoes. I’ve been lucky and haven’t gotten bitten but some other guests at the hotel are covered in bug bites.

      In my next dream, my soon-to-be-ex wife and I are in a car and I’m driving us somewhere. When my wife finds out what route I took, she makes a comment that I should have taken a different route because it’s much shorter coming that way from where we live. I agree with her and suggest that next time we use her Garmin and follow the route it tells us to go. She likes that idea. This dream seems to repeat itself a couple of times, or maybe we’re just going to different places.

      In my last dream, I am riding a bicycle. I had parked my truck and was trying out riding my bicycle from where I had parked my truck to a specific point, either work or home, I don’t remember. There is another man on a bike following behind me and he gradually catches up to me, since he’s going a little faster than I am. We greet each other and I explain to him what I’m doing, telling him I’m doing it to get more exercise. He tells me that’s a good idea and we end up giving each other advice and pointers about riding on the roads. I stop at a point along the way to meet some friends and eat lunch (or dinner) and invite the man inside to join me. As I’m inside, taking to some friends about a book I just read, I notice that the man I invited in has the exact same book in his hand. I don’t remember the title or author of the book, but I think it’s about bike riding.
    6. Playing chicken?

      by , 09-10-2011 at 12:13 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      I wasn't figuring on being able to remember any dreams from last night because I had a fairly potent margarita with my dinner. But I do remember bits and pieces of it:

      I'm outdoors somewhere with some frineds of mine from work. And I'm carrying some kind of handheld device which lets me see things the others can't. We seem to be in some sort of competition with another group of guys from work and one of them (a guy I work with named Wade) is carrying a similar device. We seem to be driving on some kind of circular track. My team is driving counterclockwise, while the other team is driving clockwise. Or maybe it's just me and Wade who are driving, because I remember looking through the device and being able to see him coming at me. I'm unclear on what the rules of the race are.

      In another dream, I find myself driving along a road approaching a 90 degree turn to the left which leads to a long bridge. It's been raining and there is water flowing over parts of the road as the water rises. I'm wanting to cross the bridge and get to the other side before the water gets too high and I am unable to cross.

      Sidenote: This bridge scene has appeared in my dreams quite a few times in the past. I don't recall it being a bridge that I've ever seen in waking life, but in my dreams it feels as though it's a familiar sight.
    7. Road hogs

      by , 09-01-2011 at 11:39 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      This is a dream I had while taking a nap during the day...

      I find myself driving up this impossibly steep road, following behind a large truck or SUV. There are houses on the left side of the road and a chain link fence runs along the right side - there is no shoulder. Just as we get to the top of the hill, a red truck comes from the opposite direction. The driver of the red truck pulls up right next to the chain link fence and stops, forcing the vehicle in front of me to stop and/or veer left to pass him. But the vehicle hesitates, forcing me to stop as well. But I'm still on the steep incline and worried about rolling backwards.

      The vehicle in front of me finally continues on, but when I try to drive forward, my vehicle stalls. I try to proceed forward but keep having to wait because vehicles keep passing me from behind.
      Tags: driving, hill
    8. Road trip

      by , 09-01-2011 at 11:30 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      I'm riding in a truck (bus?) with a bunch of guys I work with. We're coming back from some trip, I think, because we're all being driven home. I'm laying on my back looking up, and see a metal frame with some lights on it. At first I think we're pulling into a gas station or convenience store. But then I realize the lights are red and green traffic lights (no yellow lights for some reason) and that we're waiting to make a left turn.

      Just as I'm wondering what order they'll drop us off in, (ie, does the driver know where we live?) my crew chief from work motions to the driver that HE wants to drive because it's HIS truck. Rather than pull over, the driver simply stands up while holding the steering wheel steady so my CC can slip into the driver's seat. (The truck seems to be on cruise control or something.)

      Date of dream: 11-24-2010
      Tags: driving, truck