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    Adventures in Dreamland

    1. School and home

      by , 09-05-2014 at 04:29 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      I had one dream fragment where me and a group of people were complaining about something in a classroom, it was really hazy but that is all I remember. We seemed to be in some sort of trailer classroom and the desks were rearranged in a circle.

      The second dream I was in some odd house but in the dream I knew it was my house. There was a big staircase leading up to an outside porch except with a screen for a wall like a screen. My neighbors wife was asking me to show her a bunch of stuff including my laptop and I said it was kind of private, then for some reason she kept persisting and she was in my basement, on the way to my laptop all the way in the corner in a separate room, I saw a weird rubiks cube with strange lines going through it, as though it was a harder version than just a normal rubiks cube. I thought nah, I should just try to solve the normal version first before I try to solve this harder one. She tries to look at my laptop and thats when the dream is over.