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    A Tangled Thread Inside my Head

    I've been keeping a dream journal in writing now for about 9 months and I'm pretty good on dream recall, but I'm dying to improve my ability to lucid dream for a plethora of reasons. I've only had one lucid dream. I doubt I'll be able to record all of my past dreams on here, but I'd like to because it would help me look for patterns and methods to improve.

    1. October 2, 2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 07:47 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      It was snowing outside and I was still living in my childhood home in Seattle. My dog had to go outside. So, I put on a coat and went to go out with her.

      But right before I reached the back garden, I fell into a ditch that had been covered by the snow and therefore invisible.

      I was completely buried but was eventually able to crawl out to the surface. I went inside completely covered in mud.

      When I was in, I took off my gloves and looked at my hands which appeared abnormally small. This seemed peculiar so I ran to the nearest bathroom to check myself out in the mirror.

      I found out that I was 10 years old again (just physically).

      I shouted:
      "Fuck! I am not doing this shit again!" I was beyond angry and annoyed. I did not by any means want to relive my pre pubescent and the majority of my teen years.

      I went downstairs to the calendar to check and see if I was in some sort of a time paradox but it was present day. This gave me a slight relief.

      I then changed scenes into a doctor's office where he was holding a Popsicle stick in my mouth and concluded that the only thing that was wrong with me was all in my head and sent me to a mental hospital.

      I was angry as hell. I was so close to being an adult, when it all got taken away from me.