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    A Tangled Thread Inside my Head

    I've been keeping a dream journal in writing now for about 9 months and I'm pretty good on dream recall, but I'm dying to improve my ability to lucid dream for a plethora of reasons. I've only had one lucid dream. I doubt I'll be able to record all of my past dreams on here, but I'd like to because it would help me look for patterns and methods to improve.

    1. Saturday, December 3, 2011

      by , 12-04-2011 at 06:21 PM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was flying on a sort of hover craft (accept for it had a propeller) and I was wearing a blue coat with a green scarf and some cut-offs. Apparently, mark zuckerberg had made this hover craft especially for me.
      So I was flying, and then the propeller all of a sudden just fell right off and I began to fall. There was a big lake below me and I aimed for that.
      When I hit the water, I lost my coat and all I had then was the shorts and the scarf.
      I swam into shore and went into the nearest target.
      Accept there was one issue: I had not been wearing a bra, so the scarf was all I had to cover up my top. I put that over my shoulders and had a part of the scarf covering each side of me.
      Then I took a deep breath and went in the target and hoped no one I knew would be in there.
      I went over to the clothes section and lots of people were staring at me. I reached into my pocket to see how much money I could spend when I realized that my wallet must have also fell into the water.
      I now had no clothes options, so I went and locked myself in the bathroom for a few hours. While I was in the bathroom, I decided that this situation was a tad odd and did a dream check; but then I concluded that all was normal and well (!) and exited the bathroom.
      I thought to myself that I had to think rationally here: just go to customer service, and they'll understand and help me out!
      But when I got to customer service and told them my story, they laughed, called me a hooker, and kicked me out of the target and said that whores are not welcome at that establishment.
      This made me pissed off and I stole target's giant water heater and walked home with it.

      And then I woke up.
    2. Friday, December 2, 2011

      by , 12-03-2011 at 08:20 PM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was in a hotel with a guy friend and my parents. We all went to the reception area and checked in before heading up to our room.
      This was a room with two king sized beds with dark green bed spreads.
      My parents both suddenly got very tired and went to bed immediately. Me and my friend said we were going to the hotel's pool. They approved and we headed out of the door in our swimsuits.
      However, when we were in the hall heading to the elevator, we both agreed that we didn't want to go to the pool.
      Instead, we decided to go have sex back in the room.
      We crept in as sneakily as we possibly could as not to wake my parents, then we settled on the floor between the sliding glass door onto the balcony and the second bed that my parents were not sleeping in.
      We looked at each other awkwardly for a second before I leaned in and kissed his neck. He closed his eyes and grabbed me. We stretched out on the floor and started to strip each other. I reached down for his swim trunks and shimmied them off his hips as he did the same with my bikini.
      We then made love on the floor of the hotel and even though we were loud, my parents didn't wake up.
    3. Wednesday, November 30, 2011

      by , 12-01-2011 at 07:38 PM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was this boy whom I apparently made up. I don't know his name, but I do know that he belonged to my real life family because I was later traveling with them in the dream.

      But first, it was my birthday, and my mom had taken me to a mall to get my birthday present. I remember being really upset in the dream that I was at a mall.

      I groaned and whined about having to be there but eventually just stopped talking and followed my mom. She was really excited about getting me this new birthday present.
      We then entered a really nice department store where my mom presented me with a pair of very expensive designer high heels.
      I was outraged that she was using my birthday to buy herself shoes.
      But then she said that the shoes were for me and not her.
      This made me even more angry because I was male and would have no use for them.

      But she just kept telling me how good the heels would look and said we wouldn't leave until I tried them on.

      It took about an hour, but I eventually gave in. I strapped on the ridiculously high shoes and was forced to walk up and down the rows of the store until my mom was satisfied.
      She finally said I could take them off as she asked me
      "So, do you love them, or what!?!"
      I screamed no at her as I ran out of the store.


      I was still this boy, but the scene now switches to a car where I'm in the backseat on a road trip with my family.
      We seem to be in the car for an extended period of time before my dad admits that we are lost. I become extremely upset and punch the side of the car which left a dent in the car and a bruise on my hand.

      We then travel to this dilapidated house and decide to ask the residents if we could spend the night there.
      As it turns out, the members of the band 'the who' live there and they warmly welcomed us into their home.

      We all talk and have dinner.
      It is pouring rain outside.
      Soon, night falls and everyone goes to bed accept me.

      I decide to sneak out.

      I grab a jacket and set off into the night.
      I soon arrive at a small town where I spot a costume shop.
      I decide to enter this costume shop because I needed to buy a wig for a friend anyway. I look around this shop for a few hours before the old shopkeeper comes up to me and asks if I need any assistance. When I tell her no, she laughs and walks away.

      I soon decide to leave the shop and take a bus to get back.

      But right before I end up at my stop, the bus driver tells me I have won an award and everyone on the bus starts cheering and clapping.
      I get really confused by this considering it is almost morning in my dream having been out all night.
      The bus driver lets me off at my stop, still cheering, and I depart.

      I walk up to the green door on 'the who's house and all of a sudden about three men dressed in black grab me and keep calling me names like runt and creature.

      They carry me off deep into the brush.

      And then I woke up.
    4. Friday, January 28, 2011

      by , 11-26-2011 at 04:46 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      When the dream started, I was a baby.
      The initial setting was my grandma's house, accept for it was a lot more updated in the dream.
      Apparently, my eyes began to itch, and I scratched them. Then they started spewing blood. Then I started crying and the whole house flooded, and everyone made it out ok, except for this puerto ricin guy's son, whom I have no idea who he is or what he was doing there. But after the house flooded, it spontaneously caught fire. This man's son then died.
      My family and I ran away from this guy as he shouted vows for revenge for killing his son even though it was unintentional.


      The setting then changes to present day and I was again my current age. My mom, dad and I were at a nearby sonic eating dinner when a red Prius sped up next to our car.
      Then the puerto ricin guy in the driver's seat said
      "It's time."
      We all knew what this meant and and slammed on the gas. We sped down the freeway.
      Suddenly, my dad's car was speeding parallel next to our car without a driver.
      We told my mom to save herself as we jumped into his car.

      My dad and I then proceeded to the best place we could think to hide: Barnes and Noble.

      Once we were inside the bookstore, a man's voice on the intercom announced that he was after me, we were all surrounded and were about to die. He then said that we had 15 minutes to live.

      My dad and I gave up and tried to call my mom to say goodbye, but I had this impossible to work phone and I couldn't figure out how to call her.
      I pleaded my dad to let me use his phone, but he wouldn't allow me to use it.
      Finally, at the last second, he let me use his phone and as it was ringing, a bright red light flashed in front of me.

      There was a flash and then darkness.

      There was complete darkness and I was completely alone.

      I knew that I was dead.
      I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help, but it remained dark and quiet. I couldn't even hear myself shouting.
      I was in this stage for what seemed like forever. I temporarily awakened for a second, but then quickly fell back to sleep and I was still dead.
      But this time, I was in my room and I saw my mom sleeping in my bed. Then a female voice said
      "You will only see me in that place between where you are awake and asleep."
      And then I woke up.
    5. Thursday, November 24, 2011

      by , 11-25-2011 at 09:18 PM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was in a neighborhood that I had some portraits shot of me when I was three.
      I was hiding in a girl's car for whatever reason, I do not know. I think I was hiding from my grandparents...
      Anyway, this girl found me in her car and I was running away because she was trying to run me over. Her mom got into her car and was cheering her on to kill me.
      I finally got to a place on the side of the road where she could not get to me and I flipped her off in my victory to out run and out smart her.
      But just as I flipped her off, an old childhood friend rode by ahead of the car on a bike and the friend thought I was flipping her off versus the chick in in the car.
      I felt terrible and immediately ran over to her house to apologize.
    6. Thursday, June 14, 2011

      by , 11-25-2011 at 08:27 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was eating lunch in my school's cafeteria.
      I was making myself a chicken sandwich and was mixing ranch dressing and ketchup for sauce.
      An acquaintance (in real life) whom I had never liked named Lauren tried to take my sandwich from me.
      I decked her in the face and told her to fuck off feeling very proud of myself as I walked away.
    7. Wednesday, July 6, 2011

      by , 11-25-2011 at 08:16 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was riding my bike to my friend's house, and I wrecked the bike in front of their neighbors house whose kids I just happen to babysit for (in real life).

      I was wounded, so I crawled over to the kid's house and rang the door bell.

      A friend named Tyler opened the door.
      He is in the military in real life.
      He was talking to me about how I should really consider joining the army because I would be great at it.
      And for some same reason, I thought it was a really good idea and took him up on it.


      The dream now fast forwards to a scene where Tyler and I are in a tank.
      He was sticking out the top throwing grenades while I was driving.
      There were grenades going off all around us, but I, being an expert tank driver, dodged them all whilst Tyler shot all the attackers.

      Shit, I should really stop leaving the military channel on as I'm falling asleep.
    8. Wednesday, July 6, 2011

      by , 11-25-2011 at 08:16 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was riding my bike to my friend's house, and I wrecked the bike in front of their neighbors house whose kids I just happen to babysit for (in real life).

      I was wounded, so I crawled over to the kid's house and rang the door bell.

      A friend named Tyler opened the door.
      He is in the military in real life.
      He was talking to me about how I should really consider joining the army because I would be great at it.
      And for some same reason, I thought it was a really good idea and took him up on it.


      The dream now fast forwards to a scene where Tyler and I are in a tank.
      He was sticking out the top throwing grenades while I was driving.
      There were grenades going off all around us, but I, being an expert tank driver, dodged them all whilst Tyler shot all the attackers.

      Shit, I should really stop leaving the military channel on as I'm falling asleep.
    9. Wednesday, November 23, 2011

      by , 11-25-2011 at 12:26 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was taking a shower in my bathroom, when a friend from my history class pulled open my shower curtain and told me that I had a visitor that wanted to see me immediately.
      "Can't this wait? I'm taking a shower!"
      "No. He has requested to see you at once."
      "Fine" I said as I wrapped myself up in a towel shampoo still in my hair.

      I followed my friend downstairs to the area in front of my front door and standings there was a much older version of a childhood friend who (in real life) had proposed to me when I was 5 and I screamed and ran away after throwing a pine cone at him.

      However, this boy (in real life) had been an awkward only child and very much a mama's boy. I had played with him anyway when we were kids, but that didn't make him any less weird.

      Anyway, he sported a completely opposite demeanor now in the dream. He was calm, confident and actually a little bit attractive.
      "Kurt," I said "what are you doing here? And why couldn't this wait 10 minutes? I'm in the freaking shower!"
      "Mind if I join you?" he stated without a hint of nervousness.

      All of a sudden, the thought of him being in the shower with me became more than appealing. Although still confused and a tad apprehensive, I answered with a meek yes and he followed me upstairs.

      The girl from my history class was still upstairs and she had actually gotten in my shower and was cleaning herself with a luffa.

      Kurt glanced at me slyly
      "The more the merrier!" he exclaimed as he began to strip.

      Still very confused as to why I was attracted to my dorky childhood friend who I hadn't seen in more than half a decade, I got in to the shower with my friend from history and she began to wash me with the luffa.

      Kurt just watched her wash me for a second as i stood stiff weirded out that I was doing this with a girl. Kurt then stepped in and we had one hell of a threesome in my shower.
    10. Saturday, November 20, 2011

      by , 11-24-2011 at 11:59 PM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I walked into a hazy area.
      Was it a room?
      Was it an outdoor space?
      Or was it actual space?
      But I was too preoccupied to care. Because across this infinity, I spotted a dark figure. I approached the only sign of humanity that I had in this environment with interest. My heels clacked on whatever floor there was if there even was one.
      This figure was now in turn approaching me.
      My heart pounded.
      This person could be dangerous.
      They could kill me. No one would ever know.
      But inside I felt a compelling reason that everything would be ok, and that it was actually necessary to meet with this person.
      As this body came into view I realized that there was a striking resemblance and familiarity about them.
      I then realized that this figure was another copy of myself however this copy was male.
      Out of nowhere this blue line that seemed to go on forever, shot between us and settled on the ground to a dim glow on the floor.
      We looked up at each other and pantomimed for a second before in unison asking
      "Who are you?"
      We then each walked across the line simultaneously and I assumed his position as the male version of myself and he assumed the female version.
      I felt myself up in disbelief and realized he was doing the same.

      And then I woke up.
    11. Saturday, March 5, 2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 07:51 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was royalty back in the 1700's when someone cast a spell on me so that I would have no friends.
    12. October 2, 2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 07:47 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      It was snowing outside and I was still living in my childhood home in Seattle. My dog had to go outside. So, I put on a coat and went to go out with her.

      But right before I reached the back garden, I fell into a ditch that had been covered by the snow and therefore invisible.

      I was completely buried but was eventually able to crawl out to the surface. I went inside completely covered in mud.

      When I was in, I took off my gloves and looked at my hands which appeared abnormally small. This seemed peculiar so I ran to the nearest bathroom to check myself out in the mirror.

      I found out that I was 10 years old again (just physically).

      I shouted:
      "Fuck! I am not doing this shit again!" I was beyond angry and annoyed. I did not by any means want to relive my pre pubescent and the majority of my teen years.

      I went downstairs to the calendar to check and see if I was in some sort of a time paradox but it was present day. This gave me a slight relief.

      I then changed scenes into a doctor's office where he was holding a Popsicle stick in my mouth and concluded that the only thing that was wrong with me was all in my head and sent me to a mental hospital.

      I was angry as hell. I was so close to being an adult, when it all got taken away from me.
    13. August 3, 2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 07:34 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was out at dinner with 3 childhood friends: Amy, Ashlyn and Kurt at some hibachi joint in Chinatown.

      Ashlyn and Amy sat next to each other across from Kurt and I at the table.

      I was talking with Ashlyn about modeling and we were getting competitive constantly trying to one up each other.

      When dinner was over, I desperately wanted dessert, but no one else did. They got mad at me when I ordered some banana pudding. I was getting a lotof flack for making them sit there while I eat an extra corse.

      The waiter then came and brought mugs full of steaming liquid each a different pastel color and announced that this was on the house.

      We all started drinking this complementary liquid when a few drops of each of our liquid dropped into a grate that bordered our table like a moat.

      The liquid began to become a solid and materialized into this Gila monster looking creature and it chased us out of chinatown.
    14. August 2, 2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 07:24 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was living in the late nineteenth century Victorian era. I was living with my family, but it wasn't my real life family. This family that I was a part of was well off financially.

      I was wearing a giant frilly hoop dress of burgundy color that would have been popular in those times. I looked in the mirror and I looked completely different. My hair was done up in dark barrel curls and I had dark brown eyes and was considerably shorter.

      My dad then came in and announced that we re moving to a plantation in Tennessee. I was very upset as we were packing up the covered wagon.

      I then decided to rebel and I pierced my nose. But to my dismay, people actually liked it and I started a trend about 90 years premature.