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    A Tangled Thread Inside my Head

    I've been keeping a dream journal in writing now for about 9 months and I'm pretty good on dream recall, but I'm dying to improve my ability to lucid dream for a plethora of reasons. I've only had one lucid dream. I doubt I'll be able to record all of my past dreams on here, but I'd like to because it would help me look for patterns and methods to improve.

    1. Saturday, December 3, 2011

      by , 12-04-2011 at 06:21 PM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      I was flying on a sort of hover craft (accept for it had a propeller) and I was wearing a blue coat with a green scarf and some cut-offs. Apparently, mark zuckerberg had made this hover craft especially for me.
      So I was flying, and then the propeller all of a sudden just fell right off and I began to fall. There was a big lake below me and I aimed for that.
      When I hit the water, I lost my coat and all I had then was the shorts and the scarf.
      I swam into shore and went into the nearest target.
      Accept there was one issue: I had not been wearing a bra, so the scarf was all I had to cover up my top. I put that over my shoulders and had a part of the scarf covering each side of me.
      Then I took a deep breath and went in the target and hoped no one I knew would be in there.
      I went over to the clothes section and lots of people were staring at me. I reached into my pocket to see how much money I could spend when I realized that my wallet must have also fell into the water.
      I now had no clothes options, so I went and locked myself in the bathroom for a few hours. While I was in the bathroom, I decided that this situation was a tad odd and did a dream check; but then I concluded that all was normal and well (!) and exited the bathroom.
      I thought to myself that I had to think rationally here: just go to customer service, and they'll understand and help me out!
      But when I got to customer service and told them my story, they laughed, called me a hooker, and kicked me out of the target and said that whores are not welcome at that establishment.
      This made me pissed off and I stole target's giant water heater and walked home with it.

      And then I woke up.