• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DJ Comments

    1. Stormman3100's Avatar
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      Thank you for the comment. What you told me will help me organize better.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      I will illustrate this world, as it seems to become more and more solid of a world in my dreams for some reason.
      I've heard that people were able to create persistent dream-realms before. Let me know if you have any luck with this.

      Also, this is quite an entry. Great recall.

      Now I understand that this is your dream journal, and I want you to take the freedom to do whatever you want, but you should really break this dream up into paragraphs and manageable chunks. A giant wall of text like this is intimidating to people who might want to read/interpret/comment on your dream journal. It also makes it easy to lose your place while reading.

      Also, Most dreamviews users also adopt a color code (for example I use black for side notes, blue for lucid dreams, green for semi lucid, and orange for nonlucid.) This allows for you to indicate your level of lucidity more easily. (You only have to tell us how you arrived there if you want to.)

      Organizing the thoughts from a dream can be difficult, because they are often not linear and congruent, and can often lead you off on side-tangents about various aspects of your waking life or other dreams. (As they did here). Attempt different methods to better-arrange your thoughts in your dreams, and you will find that your dream journal can be an extremely useful tool.