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    1. Little Kid Game Show, A Muddy Walk, and Pretzels

      by , 01-30-2013 at 02:56 PM
      I only remember a few dream fragments. I think I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about writing down my dreams right away, but I was too lazy, so … oops.

      1. In one dream, I’m watching some kind of game show, and all the contestants are little kids. I can’t really remember anything else about this one.

      2. I’m staying in some large house, and some of my high school friends are there. I decide to go for a walk with one of my friends––Alison––but I need to find my rain boots first. I seem to have brought an enormous pile of shoes with me, and I have to search through them before I finally find the right boots. Then I go outside with Alison. It’s very gross and barren looking outside. The ground is muddy and covered with ice/snow in some places. There are only a few trees here and there, and they’re all completely bare. When Alison and I return to the house, I see that all of our other friends are reading the books I brought with me. I notice that Catherine is almost done with the book she’s reading even though we were only gone for like ten minutes (which is funny, because she does read extremely quickly in real life).

      3. I go to this food store place with some friends. We’re all planning on buying pretzels. There are these pretzel sticks and they all cost like 25¢ or something. So I grab a handful of pretzel sticks. And then there’s this tray with change all over it, and I grab a few coins. I wonder if I’m stealing the money or whether I’m allowed to do this … but I do it anyway.

      I go up to the counter and put my pretzel sticks down. The cashier tells me that it will cost me $3.99. This surprises me since I thought it would be cheaper, but I don’t question it. I look in my wallet and I seem to only have quarters, so I start to pay the guy in quarters. It’s taking forever and I’m holding up the line, and the cashier is getting impatient with me and telling me to hurry up. Finally I find a $5 bill and put it down on the counter. But when I look up, I see that the original cashier is gone and now there’s this random girl where he was standing. And she’s like, “He got so impatient that he left” or something. So I’m like, “… Sorry,” and I buy the pretzels.

      I go outside and sit down on the sidewalk with my friends. I believe Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna are there. We all start to eat our food. Sarah Jayne has these big vitamin things that she offers to everyone but we’re all like, “No.”

      Somehow, we all end up sitting in this random tunnel. Megan is rolling around on the ground for some reason, and then Luna is asking her questions about her life and Megan has to answer them. I think Sarah Jayne is also asking some questions. And … I’m just sitting there. And that’s all I remember!