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    1. [Psychedelic]

      by , 10-04-2012 at 11:15 PM
      Another old dream I forgot to record. This one was incredible and vivid. I'll do my best to describe it as I remember...
      So I became lucid while dreaming I was in my house in the foyer. Facing my front door, I was excited to discovered what waited beyond. When I opened the door I gazed in utter awe at a gorgeous and vivid night sky. In the sky was a nebula-like image. It looked like a tree made of purple stars outlined with gold ones for the leaves. It was amazing- one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. I decided to enjoy the psychedelic ride as it became more nonsensical and magical. I soared over my neighborhood and watched all kinds of weird, imaginary creatures zip by me in all directions. I saw flying lizards and latched onto one to ride it. I rode the lizard forwards into the night and saw eagles fly over my neighbors' houses and giant dogs the size of a mall trample by. The scenery began changing as I soared on my light-green lizard, grasping its vividly scaly and wrinkly neck. I was in a restaurant now, flying throughout. The weird creatures continued to swarm around and eventually I met Neptune holding his shiny trident. We were going to engage in combat, but then I stopped him and said something along the lines of, "Wait- hold on. You know what's really frustrating? When you can't make your Ikran appear. You know what? Let's all just be friends. Why are we fighting?" And him and a bunch of people from school and myself walked on happily ever after. The end! Lol