Lucid Dreams
9/10/2012 Okay, so I'm flying. I'm lucid. I'm soaring through the daytime sky with birds, thoroughly enjoying it. I'm thinking, "I'm truly happy here." I decide to fly higher in hopes of seeing something cool and looking down upon the puffy clouds and the tiny buildings, but instead, as I fly through some dense clouds, I come to a surprise. Gravity reverses itself and I find myself standing on clouds. I see my house (at least it resembled my house) It's brighter up here. It's quiet. I enter the empty, clean house and see almost statue-like birds. I talk to them. I'm able to ask them any questions about this place as I want (unfortunately I forget what I asked them but I recall asking one of their names which I THINK was Bradley). Someone lives here, but it looks abandoned. The man's name is Raven. He owns the place and upholds strict rules for any visitors. You cannot move or rearrange ANYTHING. You cannot wear or display anything of the color red. Why? I don't know. I was very polite to the man, who sat far in the other side of the room that was separated from the living room. He was sitting in a chair. He wore dark-green robe similar to a tunic and a hood that covered his eyes. A fold of green cloth also covered the rest of his face. I only asked him one thing (as far as I can remember), and that was, "How long have you been living here?" He responded with something close to, "Not nearly long enough..." He seemed somber and lonely and bitter. Before I left, he extended his right arm to me, palm outward. On his palm was a horizontal red oval. My mother thinks this was the sign of the beast when I explained my dream to her. Personally, I felt that he just wanted to be alone and thereby wanted people to be afraid of him. As I left I said to him something like, "Nice meeting you! Maybe I will come back and visit you someday." Somehow my father and my brother appeared waiting outside and we- holding hands- jumped and fell through the floor of clouds and went back to our realm. That's what I remember.
2/28/2012 I had my second WILD this morning! I found myself in SP and remembered to slowly relax (because the more you relax, the more powerful the vibrational sensations become, so if I relax too quickly the sensations will wake me up). I could hear my mother turn the hairdryer on in the other room (in real life- confirmed) while in SP. Awesome. I sort of experimented with my facial muscles again (tried to close my jaw until my teeth touched which worked and tried to open my eyes wide which didn't) before deciding to close my eyes and slip into the "drawing board stage." I thought about which scene to create. Star Wars? Nah. Under the ocean? Another time. I had made my decision. Earlier in the night I had dreamt about wanting pancakes, so I tried to make an IHOP personal buffet scene. Weirdly enough, I found myself in a fancy restaurant with my parents. We were all seated at a table and had some sort of mini buffet set up for us. I first observed this bowl of what apparently was pancake-flavored gelatto. I looked around at the beautiful restaurant. I looked at the window at the other side of the room and there was a tropical blue-green ocean shore outside. After picking up a spoon and eating some of the tasty gelatto, I remembered something I've been wanting to try. I demanded out loud, "Clarity Now!" Suddenly, I felt an amazing wind-like sensation as the entire dreamscape around me turned sharp and vivid and colorful and life-like! Beforehand, everything was dull, unclear, fuzzy, and unstable. It worked. Unfortunately, these WILD's only last a few minute since they occur in the morning, and I woke up instantly as I heard my mother open the door. I suddenly opened my eyes and was laying in my bed, the absence of vibrations leaving me with a strange sensation. At first, I thought I might still be in SP, but quickly learned I was fully awake and could move. During the middle of SP I again had a hypnogogic hallucination that my father tried to wake me up and thought I was joking about being in SP.