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    1. Who's a good cow?!!

      by , 05-22-2012 at 02:38 PM
      i sit on the stairs of my house (something i often do in waking life) laying in my lap sits a young cow (calf) it is about four feet long 1.5 feet wide. i pet it and it reacts comparably to a dog, as i continue to pet this abnormal cow i stand up and carry it into the kitchen. i glance down another flight of stares and see my dad petting a sheep as if it where a dog. this dream fades in my memory.
      in another dream... Jarvis (from the iron man movies) has a mission and i recognize this as i see one of the suits fly to and land in front of some sort of facility without a human inside of it. he fly's up over the building and in through a small opened hatch, landing on the inside with a solid *TINK. as he stands up people rush towards him and he grabs them and tosses them back in short waves. Jarvis disappears behind a shelf of what appear to be electronic parts and walks out as a person dressed mostly in black, this is a disguise. he walks through the facility and makes it to the center of the large room that makes it up before more people come in waves, a black staff appears in his hand and he begins fending off the crowd of people rushing towards him. (at this point my eyes slowly open to see a window with bright sunlight gleaming through.)