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    1. military camp lizard-leeches

      by , 06-28-2012 at 04:08 PM
      i am standing outside, standing next to me are my mother and my cousin, i look down onto the ground to see toads living in giant green blooming land-based lily pads, there are a few green lizards moving about as well, my cousin reaches down to one of these creatures and with its mouth it latches onto his hand, he pulls it up to his face and observes the 4 inch creature before pulling off of his hand and placing it onto the ground. I then see one of these lizards, i put my hand near it and let it latch on, it feels like a suction cup. (here is a blank spot in my memory) i know see a grayish brown 2 in. leach like creature on my hand, i pull it off and see a matalic tooth in its mouth covered in blood, i say "they are like leeches, they have metal teeth" (the last thing i remember is thinking i have never heard of a creature with metal teeth before and thinking of the alien movies.)
      in another dream i am in the passenger seat of a red truck being driven by my uncle, we pull into a large dirt parking lot and i get out, two other people about my age, female, brown hair, blue eyes, they look like sisters get out of the back of the truck, my uncle takes of back up the dirt road which we came here from. The sisters and the I walk towards camp, (here is a point where my dream slightly skips) now i find myself in the bathroom urinating while looking out a window, i see a red truck surrounded by green pine trees. i come out of the bathroom and find a tomato paste can sitting on gray stone pedestal near the foot of a bed. i begin washing my hands in it, a person scrambles out of the bed, he is only a little younger than me, blond bowl cut hair, blueish green eyes. he tells me "stop, you do know what those are for, right?"
      i ask "what?" the former replies "they are for if the people get thirsty." i say, "oh, let me go empty this" and the blond haired person lets out a concluding sigh. i walk back to the bathroom and empty the can (when in waking life i would have simply emptied it onto the ground.) when i get back as i place the can back in its original spot i see a drill Sargent like person talking about the importance of having bottles or cans at the foot of your bed, i begin looking for anything usable for this and a hand slams down a large white plastic water-bottle. it is one of the sisters from earlier, (the dream now fades out and i wake up, my eyes are still closed and i haven't moved, i wonder if i should DEILD but decide i have slept enough and get out of bed.)