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    1. 11/8/14 (Lucid)

      by , 11-08-2014 at 06:00 PM
      Finally, a weekend to sleep in and just dream. I don't know what this part of my night was (not a dream) but I'll have to include it, anyway. When I became thoroughly exhausted at 4am, I happened to be in my sister's room and decided to just crash there. When I laid down, though, I felt this warm breeze on my face. The feeling was comparable to someone passing by me, which I found a bit strange. I never try any DILDs, WILDs, or other sleeping techniques, nor have I actually read through any on here, so I don't know if this relates to one of these techniques, (I kind of thought so,) but it sure was weird to me. Within two minutes of laying there, that ringing noise you hear in your ears increased significantly and then seemed to *change frequencies*, finally settling on one that was higher and very clear. As soon as it settled, my entire body shook as if an earthquake was occurring. I knew things like this happened sometimes, so I just went with it, but nothing really happened after that, other than vibrations. I didn't really know what to do, either. Since I was pretty spooked out by that warm breeze still and nothing was happening after that "incident," I just sat up and went to my room to sleep. Having a nightmare was not on my to-do list.

      In my own room I had two consecutive lucids immediately, I'm guessing because I was so exhausted. In one of the dreams, I was at school. When I "woke up" I had the feeling, as usual, that it is very easy and natural to do, and that I'm always capable of doing it. I wracked my brain, thinking of things people have told me to try that I hadn't before. I wasn't very alert or concentrated at this point (had to focus every ten seconds or so to remain lucid and wasn't really feeling much energy to try) so I knew I couldn't do anything huge. I looked around and realized, "I could try reading!" Someone had told me that reading things was interesting because after you read something, if you try to read it again it changes. To my knowledge, nothing changed, though, and I did read a few things. Oh well, I thought. I really can't remember the other thing I tried. It may have been using my phone because it was technology? If I did that, I think it also worked, but I didn't put much effort into that one, either. I know I ran to another classroom later because I remembered from my pre-lucid state that some of my friends were in the, say, English room. I always run in lucid dreams because it feels funny and unnatural and why not? When I got there I scanned the room, looking at my classmates, and saw someone I've always found very attractive. I kind of grabbed at his bare arm (he was wearing a t-shirt) but his arm grew thinner and slipped away. I know I looked to see if his twin was around (I also find him attractive, haha,) but I don't think he was. Whether he was there or not, I tried again, taking one of their wrists and this time holding on successfully. It was kind of a big deal getting our fingers to intertwine and holding hands.

      As soon as we did and our palms pressed against each other, I woke up. I realized I was horny!! This was/is a big deal to me because even after 17, almost 18 years of living I have never been able to say that I have "felt horny." So, finally! (Don't worry, the rest is actually SFW.) I went back to sleep, knowing that I could wake up lucid again and hoping I could maybe figure out my sexuality a little bit, now that I know I'm capable of feeling horny. (I actually really hate that word.) So I entered my next dream lucid and what do you know? A blond, taller, and more built version of Josh Hutcherson happened to emerge from a shower. (I don't know why him - I even had to look up his name to type it just now - but whatever, I'll take it!) I won't write what my thoughts were about what I wanted to do, but basically nothing really happened, although I can't remember why. It's possible that I woke up within the next few minutes and gave up, or that I was too tired in my lucid state to continue, but either way, I know at some point I said "fuck it" and just gave up my lucid state because of my lack of motivation. In my head, I thought, "I know I'm exhausted in real life but I shouldn't be in my dream, too!" I wasn't feeling it, though.

      If anyone reads this and knows what I was describing in the first paragraph, please let me know!

      Realizations: reading isn't always impossible, it really is easy to become lucid, last time I was lucid (about a week ago) I also woke up a few times and had gone to bed late, it's difficult for me to figure out sexual things in dreams, and I need to work on not being lazy and unmotivated.

      Updated 11-08-2014 at 06:32 PM by 54975
