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    1. Today was a good day.

      by , 08-29-2013 at 06:50 PM
      (Copied from Workbook)August 29, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (DILD)
      Total sleep time 8 1/2
      Legend: RED LUCID

      Thank you GOD...Success!

      Ok, you may think that I am over reacting, but I have been in a (dare I say it out loud?)...dry spell. I was dreaming that I was walking around someone's house and I did a RC to see if I can go through a wall and I did! I calmed down and stabilized the dream by focusing on my surroundings. I came out of the wall still in the same room as on the other side. I wanted to remember my task regarding how the wall felt so, I went back through the wall, but this time slowly. My task is to described how it felt and the only thing I can think of as a comparison is attempting to go through a wet sponge...not really wet, but there was some type of thick resistance. My next goal was to fly so I imagined I was Superman (arm pointed upward and all ) and told myself to fly. I did fly, but I didn't go far and I slowly floated back down like a feather and I started to wake up from I guess all of my dream movement. I did go back into my body, but I DEILD myself back out. Once out my mind started to go everywhere (as far as what can I accomplish now?) and I tried to stay on task. I looked around my surrounding for stabilization and grounded my dream on paying attention to this old fashioned gold scuba helmut sitting on the floor...weird? For some reason this reminded me of the TOTM to ask a DC the meaning of life. Just my luck there was no DC to be found! I looked and looked and I even tried to make the scuba helmut magically turn into a DC to ask the question...but nothing. Frustrated, I made an attempt to fly out of there but I woke up again. "Okay you," I think to myself. "Third times the charm!" I DEILDed my way out and was just floating right above my physical body and couldn't do a damn thing anymore so I gave up and woke myself up!

      Note: I'm thankful for this experience. Every fail is a potential an opportunity to learn!
    2. 'I remember mama...'

      by , 06-25-2013 at 06:58 PM
      Date: June 24, 2013
      Bedtime routine: MILD & WBTB (No WILD attempts tonight, just MILD)
      Total sleep time: 8-9 hours


      I was back in the city I was born in and I was showing my current family where I grew up and how beautiful it was. The quality of life was much different back then...very relaxing. I was showing them the ocean as the sea gulls flew over, the old buildings still standing built hundreds of years ago, and explaining to them the meaning of happiness. As I was talking to my family (in the car) one of the sea gulls flew in the car and out of the back window. This happened several times, so many times, that we became use to the sea gull flying in the car as we would dunk our heads down in an attempt not to get hit .

      Dream Frag:

      Saw a boy put a gun to his little sister's head and pulled the trigger (Note: I saw a picture of this in real life this week on facebook, so it must have followed me into my dreams as it was terribly disturbing).

      Dream Frag:

      Someone singing "I remember mama," so intently, so focused, and so emotional.
    3. There's no place like home.

      by , 06-24-2013 at 06:05 PM
      June 23, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (too exhausted to stay awake for my WILD attempt )

      Dream Frag:

      I was in a car with someone and I told him that I wanted to go home, but we kept driving around in circles. I would look down at my clothes and they would change everytime I looked down (do you think this was my dream sign??? Uh...yeah!). It didn't seem to concern me that my clothes kept changing, I just wanted to go home...never did make it home .

      Note: One of my famous recurring dreams about being lost and not being able to find home.