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    1. Possible Dream Guide and Crazy Guy

      by , 06-16-2010 at 07:15 PM
      I THINK I may have met a dream guide (non lucid), or simply a quirky character.

      Dream Guide
      He was standing on a street corner underneath a lamp post where the sidewalk and streets were all cobblestone. He wore a rain coat of sorts and besides that I couldn't really see his face or remember it, but he was telling a story of a dream of his, which was about Jesus.

      He spoke like a stand up comedian, or a teacher. His dream, that he was talking about went like this, starting off with advice: "Don't write down any dreams about Jesus unless you get permission. One time I had a dream and I had no idea it was Jesus, I was in a single room office (or something) and my head was too big to get into the door, and it was hitting the pipes, but he told me his name was James Charleston (can't exactly remember the name but the initials were indeed JC). I felt like were were just in this room with the thinnest barrier from the outside world in the middle of the dessert. and I was looking all around the room for dream signs, at the table and floor and walls, but I didn't notice a woman holding a child, and when i realized what I saw and who they were I realized 'Holy shit!' I'm dreaming"

      Crazy Guy

      I was in my basement trying to take off the door that leads into my basement from the back porch. The door was black without windows. (real door is brown with 9 square windows on the top half). As I was taking that door off outside I heard someone yell "Don't water my lawn!" and I recognized that voice from another dream before.
      I tried to lock the second door that leads to the outside, but i couldn't because part of it was bent that didn't allow it to close. Somehow it repaired itself (I should have said WHOAH IM DREAMING!) I eventually noticed a third lock on my door (another whoah im dreaming! but didn't). I finally locked it and put the black door up against the other one.

      At that point a man was looking into the window of the locked door. He had a big dirty beard and a very wrinkly face. I tried to hide behind the black door but he saw me somehow... as if it were transparent and pointed right at me.

      I woke up feeling pretty creeped out.