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    1. Hot air baloon plane at the fair. Lucid design.

      by , 09-24-2015 at 01:14 PM
      LD: I was hanging out with my brother when I was going through some things about weird directional forces of quantum mechanics or something and it wasn't working. We started to have the discussion about when we both started realizing. WERE IN A DREAM!. I started working with him to try and build something out of nothing but it wasn't working. I turned to him and said "I seem to have a case of stage fright and cannot perform the action" he gave it a shot and couldn't do it either so we just kind of moved objects around for a bit while enjoying the familiar buzz of awareness

      My fragment dream was me stumbling through this huge building and accidently running into an office with Doctor Who in it (old Scottish actor) I knocked over a picture book and then said sorry and the lady at the front desk looked at it got up and started fixing it so I helped and then the actor came over and I dont remember from there.

      After this I had a dream where I was at a fair ground and my Mom and little brother and Simon and a couple were with us. Eventually it started raining so we had to get going but we only had the blue Oldsmobile so the first road we tried was blocked off because of flooding and we whipped a U-ey and headed back into oncoming traffic which also turned around and headed back (no idea how) when we got back we jumped in a hot air balloon type device that was pretty open to the elements and actually not to safe. My littlest brother was asleep and I was holding on to him and some of the rigging to try to keep us steady while my mom entered the cockpit trying to fly. We ended up heading straight for the ground and started to skim trees, I was trying to cover my little brothers face but an eyelid got snagged. Nothing bad happened to him but it had me worried. We hit the ground and I asked him if it was okay and he said ya, it was a little red and my have had a scratch on the cornea. The next thing I knew there was a guy talking about how his girlfriend needs to work and my mom who he was talking to (I thought oh sh!t shes a stay at home mom she will be pissed) and sure enough she slapped him lightly and said some thing I dont remember.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , dream fragment