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View lunagoddess's Dream Journal
lunagoddess on 04-25-2017 at 06:29 PM
It’s the day of our show and we don’t know any of the dances or choreography we’re doing. We try to quickly come up with things and remember them during the short rehearsal. I’m not feeling confident enough to do my solo because I haven’t been practicing enough. I wish I would have practiced more. I consider doing my dance without the sword. We’re told that the solo winner will perform in NY. My instructor is really worried that our dances will be too similar, she really doesn’t want them to similar. She tastes each of our cakes like the Great British Baking Show and seems to like mine a little better, although neither are perfect. I wonder why Cleo decided to use savory focaccia to make her cake? I try to find space to practice and use the windows outside, then I see a large mirror. But the mirror is magnified and the sword I’m using is the wrong type and will not balance. D tries to give me advice. I look for Cleo and see her in the distance sitting on the face of a random but attractive, tan guy. I continue to go on a walk. She approaches me eventually when I’m in some type of curved outdoor corrido. I tell her I’ve been looking for her. I don’t remember what she says. Later I tell D about what I saw and that the guy didn’t look like her boyfriend. D then does it to me.
I remember something about being at my house and the neighbors are walking outside. They say hi to me. They seem to be preparing for a camping or fishing trip with friends who brought large coolers. They’re walking around right outside our windows. I feel as though I’m naked or exposed somehow. I feel like D and I had sex at some point. I also see their kitten and hold it.
+The next time write anything down - Success at first, forgot in the later part of the day
The next time feel pain - Not technically a success, but I did get a few times
The next time I hear someone say my name
+The next time I drink something - Success for the first part of the day
lunagoddess on 04-24-2017 at 09:11 PM
It’s 10:00 am and I am just writing my dreams from last night. Let’s see how much I can remember.
The most vivid memory is that of godzilla. He is grotesque and large. I can hardly believe a creature like that exists in our world. He is in a swampy area and steps on an alligator or crocodile which crushes instantly like it was some vulnerable, weak little animal. He’s kinda like something from a scary movie and oddly humanoid with shark like teeth full of blood and filth. He growls as he forages the swamp, causing destruction. He seems a little dumb and unnecessarily violent.
I remember A.W.D.R saying something and I responded to her, then she told me that she wasn’t talking to me. I said something like “Alrighty then, excuuse me.” I wasn’t offended and actually thought it was a little funny. But still, what a bitch.
I am on a different island looking down at an outdoor stadium that has bleachers coordinated in rows of pastels. Pink, purple, and yellow. The bleachers are kind of flat so the stadium looks more like some kind of concrete valley. It's located right next to a strip mall. I notice Ke.H. there bragging about her ancestry with her cousins. She went to Maui last time, I wonder when she’ll come to my town. I hope she doesn’t want to stay with me. I can offer to show her around but I don’t really want to. I’m sure she’ll find family there, too. I am staring at her and overhear her saying “Do you want to know what makes my car so Hawaiian?” I laugh to myself thinking that if she asked me that I would say, “No. I really don’t.” but then I start to wonder if I would have the courage to say that to her face. I might just say “sure” to humor her and give a little smile at whatever she said next. Although I’d really want to say the former. I’m driving away at this point down a slow going highway lined with trees.
**In other news, I am going to try a 30 day DJ challenge. I have been slacking on my journaling and have been feeling too lazy to do it upon awakening, even though I really want to do it deep down. So my plan is to post them on here to give me some form of accountability and extra structure. I'll also be posting my results for Stephen Laberge's prospective memory challenge.
lunagoddess on 04-17-2017 at 05:46 PM
I watched a girl ride a very fast and large rollercoaster. Sometimes I was her. A lot of people were watching. The ride went forwards and backwards but she wasn't scared. Alicia texted me pictures of belly dance costumes that she was thinking about getting. I was annoyed.
I am pregnant and going into labor. I am at a hospital and they start preparing me. They do a small procedure and give me a little wand thing. If I need to call for the nurse I’m supposed to put that on my privates and press a button. I try and it shocks me so I scream. I’m still slightly sedated. A dream friend takes me to the hospital on a small watercraft. It’s night time but I see a whale jump in the distance. I tell her and she says “Isn’t this such a cool place?” We get to the shore where T.A. and some of his friends lead the way to the hospital. One friend is racist and keeps trying to instigate fights. He asks me if I ever dislike or make fun of his people just because. I tell him no. T.A. tells him to stop. We arrive at the west side hospital where a lot of people are there to meet me. I see Beyonce and she does not look perfect like the media presents her, she looks very disappointing with a belly, uneven complexion, and hooked nose. There’s a little girl eating ice cream. Her pupils are dilated and she looks dazed. I tell her that if she eats too much ice cream she has to go home because labor hurts really bad and I can’t have her around me if she has a sugar high. Lani NS and Kristy S. are there. The hospital looks different than I remember. I check in at the nurses station. It's one of the L&D nurses from D's work who remembers me. From the lobby I hear that racist guy getting into a fight with Lani who wrote a book that he found offensive. I’m not sure where my room is because my name is on the board for all floors. I check each floor just in case. I end up wandering into the waiting room and asking if the hospital has been renovated because it looks different than I remember. They say it has. I’m relieved, I like it better this way. I squeeze past some nurses giving report and end up getting lost near a file room and engine room. People with badges help me out. There are so many men in the hallway. I’m not in any pain right now. The clock says 6. I know that my labor is going to be one of the very long ones; perhaps 12, 24, or even 48 hours. It makes me nervous. I get back to my room and start panicking. How did this happen? How is this real life? This wasn’t planned. Why did I ever think this was a good idea to go through with? I have a vague memory of telling my husband that I felt like I needed to keep the baby and he told me that I was responsible for it completely. It’s too late to do anything about it now. I’m so scared of motherhood and of the pain of labor. I’m not allowed to have an epidural. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it. I have a dream within a dream of myself walking into my hospital room and seeing me there laying with my new baby and another woman on a large bed straight ahead. It felt ominous and dark. The dream ended and I called my husband. I could hear him approaching the room so I hung up. He was irritated that I tried to call him, he’s clearly nervous as well. His eyebrows looks different, smaller, shaped, and lighter. He brings me a coin bra that I admire. I ask if it’s for me, he says yes, and I light up. Kristy comes in and they start talking in another language that they learned in the military. Kirsty has improved her skills at it. It goes on for a long time and they are acting quite flirty with each other.
lunagoddess on 01-23-2017 at 06:52 PM
I was talking to A.W on the phone after a very bizarre sleepover. I was outside with a bunch of people on a balcony overlooking a lake at sunset. I was telling her about dream signs and she said, “So all you’re really looking for is Josh, right?” and I said, “Not necessarily.” I named off a couple of dream signs like seeing blackness when a dream ends. Then I saw a black truck drive by on top of the water and added, “…or a truck driving on the water..” Then I started to question if I was actually dreaming. It was hard for me to believe and the dream didn’t feel very stable but somehow I concluded that I was dreaming. I jumped around and celebrated for a moment then I turned to the girl behind me and said “Please go get my dream guide. We’re supposed to meet here.” She left and while she was gone I did the stabilization trick of getting on all fours. I could feel the heaviness of of my body on my hands and knees and I could see the grains of wood with some detail, but what really stood out to me was my hands. They were small and the fingers were different sizes. Like deformed, mutated baby hands. It’s the first time the hand RC worked for me. By now, it was dark outside. The girl came back with something long wrapped in her dress. Wtf? I unraveled it and she scolded me for being rough so I apologized. It was a just a long frayed electrical wire with a handle. I was like, “Oh well, I might as well try to change this and use it to summon my dream guide.” I focused my attention on it and suddenly the wire mended itself, grew really long, twisted around, whipped around, and pulsed with electricity. I pointed it at the sky and willed a button to emerge on the handle. I clicked the button and made a gun shooting noise with my mouth and imagined fireworks. Instantly the device made a loud gun sound and moments later a dull firework went off. That was my signal to my dream guide, who I never did find. I was trying to think of what to do next and I remember the TOTM was to get a massage. As I was walking around, the dream ebbed and flowed between vividness and vagueness. I kept looking at my hands to confirm that I was dreaming. Mostly my hands looked mutated, sometimes they looked normal except my fingers would get stuck in weird positions. I told myself, “I really am grateful for real life. Lucid dreams can be weird.” I was generally unhappy with my environment, it was dark. I was in an empty parking lot for a moment and then at a hospital. I asked one of the male receptionists for a quick massage and he looked at me like I was crazy. I went around the right corner and found a small office with two local men and said, “Excuse me, physical therapy. I have a knot in my right shoulder, could you please rub it for me? I don’t want a back adjustment or anything.” They told me I didn’t have anything wrong. They explained why it was obvious and started talking about a medical book. I was like, “Yeah, okay, but I really am sore right here so if you could just massage it for a minute that would be great.” One reluctantly agreed and gave me the crappiest massage ever. Massages in real life are way better. I could hardly feel it. Not to mention, it was awkward because of my DC’s apprehension. Afterwards, I went outside thinking of what to do next. I remembered one of my goals is lucid sex. But this dream felt a little dark and it’s not the place I wanted to have sex, nor could I find anybody worth having sex with, and clearly my summoning was not successful. I decided this dream had been long enough and I better write it down before I forget it even happened. I started walking inside and the dream began fading into an NLD. The dream was going to turn scary as I walked down a hallway but I tried to stop it and it turned more into a movie with Dax Shepherd’s wife running an election. Someone brought out newborn wild cats like a tiger and jaguar. I pet them happily and said “Too bad I didn’t put this on my competition goals list, I could have gotten points!” (It’s true that petting a tiger is on my personal LD bucket list).
MILD seems to be my most reliable method at this point (but I’m still hoping I can get DEILD to work for me at some point). I didn’t even think my intentions were very strong tonight because I didn’t seriously start thinking about LD’s until right before falling asleep. I said my mantra, “Tonight I’m lucid dreaming” over and over until I fell asleep. As I was starting to fall asleep I would notice myself in subtle dreamscapes, mostly of being at a royal masquerade ball. During this I practiced remembering to be lucid. I did have mugwort tea about a half hour before bed, but I have taken that once or twice before with no success. I had a few vivid dreams (2 NLD) and did a brief wbtb. I set my intention to remember to lucid dream, but again I feel that it wasn’t particularly strong. I don’t even remember falling back asleep. Then all of a sudden I had a DILD because I was talking about lucid dreaming in my dream!
This makes for 3 LD’s in one month, not bad!
lunagoddess on 01-20-2017 at 06:38 PM
I was having inception style dreams within dreams. In my dream I was laying in bed, the room felt a little bit like a mixture between our current house and our last house. I was setting my intention to lucid dream. D came in and started talking to me. I told him that he's waking me up and that I'm falling asleep and trying to focus. He had a lover with him and she was scoffing at me. I was trying to enter a dream where I was a dolphin flying through the air. I was even waving my hands back and forth as I was trying to focus on it. Then I enter a dream and am in a room talking to a man. I realize I've entered a lucid dream. I say my mantra aloud: Tonight I'm lucid dreaming! Then I repeat it with more power and authority. The dream ends.