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    1. My first real lucid

      , 12-16-2013 at 03:39 AM
      I'm starting my dream journal entries with the hope that they may help some of my fellow aeronauts that are just starting out as well as maybe get some helpful input from those on DV that are much more experienced than I. I started researching and really getting interested in Lucid Dreaming about 3 months ago. I used to have maybe 1 dream a month if not less before I started my quest to become lucid. I read a lot on DV, started a dream journal, etc. In my first week I did not notice any changes until one day I had 3 dreams in one night and 4 dreams the following night. Since then I have been averaging about 5 dreams a night and sometimes as many as 10…not all vivid of course as some are just a tiny portion of the dream that I can recall. My first LD was about 2 weeks after I started my research. And of course as many others I woke up as soon as I became lucid. For the next week and a half or so I had several more LDs where I woke up immediately after becoming lucid until one night….

      I am in my apartment and I’m walking around and I went to get some water. I am walking through my living room and I decide to do a RC (I am assuming I am awake and just doing a practice RC as usual). I look at my hands and it hits me...This is a Dream! I couldn’t really count the fingers on my hand because I couldn’t see them but I knew I was dreaming. The dream started fading at that time because I must have gotten too excited and I started rubbing my hands and trying to spin...that brought me back into the dream. I believe I then did a math problem but nothing changed after that...I was probably fully lucid at that point. Retrospectively, I should have spent a little more time stabilizing the dream before going on. Anyway, I had a glass of water in my hand about half full maybe a little less. I put it down on the little table in the living room and I tried to levitate it. I think it didn’t work the first time but it did the second try. I had the glass levitating in the air about 6 feet in front of me. It wasn’t following my intended movements right away but after a little practice with my newly acquired skill of telekinesis I was able to move it as I expected. I made it move away from me, side to side and then toward me and into my hand. I threw it down to the floor and I wanted to try something heavier. There was some kind of object lying toward the far right corner of my daughters' and I think it was on the bed. I was not able to lift it after a few tries. There was a black handbag on top of that object and I was able to levitate that and I made it go up and them put it back down. There was another item - I think it was a big box. I wan’t able to lift that either so then I gave up on it. I then decide that I want to fly...no problem. I flew around the room for a sec and flew out the window...my thoughts from WL were with me (my concerns of what if I’m not really dreaming and I just fall out the window) but I knew I was dreaming 100% so I just flew out the window. I think the window just opened when I was flying through it. I flew for a bit until I came up to a tree branch and the leaves were like in my face. I just floated there for a second and then I decided I want to fly to the Dominican Republic to see my wife and daughter where they are on vacation. As I am floating I look around to see what direction I need to fly but I can’t figure it out. I call out I want to go to DR..which way do I go? This lady appears...I didn’t see her appear she was just there (a couple of months later I find out she is my Dream Guide and I will post that dream later as well). She is blond and maybe around 5’6 or 5’7 but that is with heels. I believe she was wearing a skirt up to just over her knees and it was either white or light grey...not sure of blouse but I think a light color as well. She is somewhat attractive but not distractingly so. After waking up I was able to rather clearly recall her face (that’s a first...I can almost never recall faces). She starts telling me which direction is what and she points to one direction and says the name of a city or state and then a bit to the left she says that’s Florida and I see a building that makes me think that that’s Florida right there (Dominican Republic is in the same direction from where I live…south). I decide that is the direction I will go. I ask her what is your name. She answered - Dean. At this point we are no longer in the air and we are standing on the ground. I tell her I want to go to DR but then my dream faded and I woke up. The dream lasted about 5 min. I took B6 100mg after about 5 hours of sleep and the Lucid Dream occurred about 2 hours after that.

      Updated 12-23-2013 at 03:58 AM by 66593
