• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. DefineMeAsOne's Avatar
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      Thanks for the information.
    2. kilham's Avatar
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      for WILD I use concentration on breathing, coming back to it every time a thought arises. Minutes later I focus my attention on short auditory hallucinations, they are different from thoughts and last like two seconds each one, they are usually voices from people I know, saying a small phrase. After like 30 min, images begin to appear as if I am looking at a screen in front of me, at this part, I get closer and make that "screen" to get bigger until I'm surrounded by it, or I jump into it.

      I've been doing WILD barely since last month, so I haven't developed a great technique
    3. DefineMeAsOne's Avatar
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      Thanks for the reply. And to be honest I am not in a hurry for a OBE. I just wanted to experience it once. I have ventured to the vibration but not separation. Yes, OBE requires more will power, and if WILD is easy for you that is great. I meditate and that increased my LD count but It hasn't increased WILD, maybe it is because I am not trying as I once did. Do you have a favorite technique that you picked up for WILD?
    4. kilham's Avatar
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      No, for me it's not easy at all and I usually avoid it because it involves overwhelming feelings/sensations (many times they're painful) and then it takes me huge effort to come back.
      I've been trying OBE for many years and I find it difficult to control, I don't think I've ever accomplished it fully. What I noticed since last year was that meditation enormously increased OBEs, but more importantly feelings like love/happiness at it's height are more related to instantly induce OBE (for me).

      I discovered last year that my LD's where increasing also, maybe because of practicing all-day awareness... and it has become something much more easy to control. Then I've recently learn about WILD and it's incredible awesome and also much more easier to control and achieve than an OBE (at least for me).
      So, when I find myself beginning to feel OBE-like sensations, I shift it to WILD... I prefer it much more.

      So, I guess my suggestion would be doing some kind of meditation about love, compassion, happiness...
    5. DefineMeAsOne's Avatar
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      Is O.B.E easy for you ? if so has it always been? if you have suggestions, I would love to hear it.
    6. kilham's Avatar
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      really? I find it better when I become lucid during a dream. Well, for me it's easier to achieve a LD by WILD because you can decide when to have one... but the dream control it's much better by DILD. I enjoy both, but I'm having a hard time with dream control in WILD and also they don't last much.
    7. woblybil's Avatar
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      After 30 min of breathing concentration, I hear a mini-snore coming from me... whoa! I thought I was still fully conscious, well I am, but my body is sleeping. Minutes later I feel I float from my body, yaaay! time to start going around, I fall into a combination of FA, SP, and finally WILD... all my life I thought that waking up in my room was some kind of AP instead of WILD, but here I am, finding that I can shift from one to another. Anyway, I'll let that for my mental notes.
      That's really cool, It's the only way I can perform a pre-selected task..I use different kinds of concentration or meditation going out to an AP and lazing around waiting for my body to fall asleep where it becomes a Lucid Dream right from the start in my bedroom, If i'm just walking down a street and become lucid, tasks are usually impossible for me to do or to even remember.... Keep it up
    8. AstralMango's Avatar
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      Wow, that sounds like a pretty memorable dream!