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      12-28-2024, 07:01 AM
      HI! I would suggest not doing the imagining part at first. You are trying to fall asleep while staying barely aware. Do this in the middle of the...
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    "Monster & Mirror"

    by DefineMeAsOne on 03-07-2015 at 06:20 PM
    Journal Entry Lucid Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
    Background: It was a dry LD week for me. I am stressed out about school. I manged to get one lucid dream with ToTM. I kept doing RC and if I was next to a mirror I would try and act like it is a dream and reach out to it. I laid on my bed for a long time hoping to get a lucid dream, maybe 30-40min passed before I fell asleep. The monster part could have been some inner psyche stuff. I been feeling a little down lately.

    ToTM: March 2015 Advanced I

    Lucid Dream #Unknown, day: 03/05/15, time: -5:03am" Monster & Mirror":
    I am walking around the house. It is fairly dark. There is a man in one of the rooms. He goes to the light and he flicks it on then off. He said to me, "the light is not working you know what that means?"I jumped backwards as the reality hit me.

    (Monster):This is a dream. I wanted to get out of the darkness so that I won't fall into the void of darkness. He rushed out and closed the door. I followed him. I am in the dinning room, and it is a little bit bigger than usual. I am trying to keep my awareness. I touched my hands, I touched the floor and I try to hear my environment. That is when he starts to hit the wall. Bam bam bam. I told him to stop. He stopped for a split second and he turned around smiled and said, "I am trying to help you out". I felt like he was distracting me. I tried to use telekinesis, but I was powerless. He grabbed me and threw me against the ground. I struggle to find my strength. He is a tall large man. I manged to get him off.

    He started to circle me, he said, "let my monster be, I like it. Aren't you happy that you are in a lucid dream? I don't want to be free". I thought, "does he represent my monsters, my demos?" I get ready to fight him again. My shoulders felt stiff. It felt like I have a backpack on or something. I removed it and my shoulders felt lighter. I then removed jacket. We spared, I got some few hits, he got his. Ultimately he took me down, but I found my strength and pushed him off. I am now in my parents room. I look at my hands and I imagine bright light since I have done that in a different LD. Instead I got pitch black hole spiraling on my hands, it looks as though it is eating up my skin. I said, "hopefully this works". He was on the floor and as I reached to put my hands towards him he screamed. Once I touched him, he became mummified, his skin is glued to his bone and he is boney. I got up i felt satisfied but I knew that I would wake up if I don't have another task to do. I remembered ToTM.

    (Mirror): I walk into my room. I have a huge mirror. I look at my reflection. It is surprisingly realistic. I look closer and I noticed that my eyes are pitch black with a silverfish reflection no white part. In movies that meant I am possessed.

    I ignored it. I got on the counter top and went inside the mirror. I felt my skin get pulled from me. I walk out of the mirror and it is an exact replica of the room I was in, my room. I look back at the mirror. I am white! My hair is brown curly and kind of long to my neck. I have a beard. I was amazed I look at my hands, the dream is still consistent still white. I walked out my room. My sister laughs at me for being too white. I see that I am in some sort of reception. People from my church are there. They ask me what my name is. I told them. They looked at me weird and said, "what a strange name for a white man". I laughed it off. I gave one of the lovely ladies a kiss to the hands, like a real gentleman, as if to ask her to dance with me. I woke up soon after.

    Updated 03-07-2015 at 06:30 PM by DefineMeAsOne

    lucid , task of the month

    "The Eye of the Storm"

    by DefineMeAsOne on 02-14-2015 at 07:24 PM
    Journal Entry Lucid Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
    Background:I didn't meditate, but I should. I watched show Smallville. I listened to lucid dream series. The reason why I wrote 4:12-4:50 is because I laid on my bed for that long without realizing that 40min went by. The whole time telling myself, "next thing I see is a dream". I got up for a min checked time, laid in a different position, and I dosed off. I was relatively peaceful and stress free.

    ToTM: Feburary 2015 Advanced I
    Lucid Dream #Unknown, day: 02/11/15, time: 4:12-4:50-5:50am" Eye of the storm":
    I am at my school. A car cuts me off. I try to go in front of them by speeding. I looked at the parking lot and it is empty. I turn and it is full. I nearly hit a car. I am suspicious about it all. I parked and decided to go. A pale girl from one of my class along with one other girl and one man came inside the car. As I reversed the car. The pale girl says, "wow it looks so realistic". I responded, "what do you mean 'realistic'". It went into an awkward silence. Her smile turned into a sad frown, she started to look down at the floor. As I kept driving. I started to explain to her that I practice this thing called lucid dreaming and I look for cues like that.

    That's when it clicked. This is a dream. I realized that I haven't been able to find a way out of the parking lot. I come out the car and started to walk. Another car went over a ram and landed inside the building. It is Lex Luthor and lana from Smallville. A women dressed in a general outfit walks up to us. She starts to explain the ordeal of the world. I should have been listening but I dazed off. I walked away and I see a fountain at the center of the building. It shot out water up to six feet up.

    I remember I could control water(bending). I started making it do spirals and zig zags around itself. It was cool but nothing new. I started to think to myself I wanted to do something and the ToTM came to me, a storm. I see a window, and I try to go through by jumping. I got rejected and fell back down, I felt temporarily pain. I shake it off. I see a window that is open. I started to imagine the storm. First some dark clouds rushed in, then it started to spiral around itself. It looked like a mixture of a tornado and hurricane. I remembered reading somewhere that the eye of the storm is actually peaceful. I decide to go to it.

    I felt hesitant to jump out a window since my normal flight is a take off not a suicide jump. I jumped anyways and my flight was weak at first. I went through the clouds. I didn't feel any rain or wind. As I got closer and closer to the eye of the storm the wind and rain started to kick in. I try my hardest to get closer and closer to the storm. I reached out to get inside the eye of the storm and the cloud was literally a solid object I could hold. I then felt a great deal of water soak my body. I felt powerless. I have a fear of waking up, so I ended up waking up
    . I guess that was my subconscious way of saying "F#*k your facts". I can't believe I still have fear of waking up and I end up waking up.

    (Accidentally DEILD): As I lay there trying to remember the whole dream, I end up in a dream again. I am lucid and I realized i am clark kent from Smallville. I hear a voice tell me that I need to save lex. I am outside the mall or base, that I flew out of earlier. I got inside a car and went over a ramp to get inside the building. I overshot it and the car flipped. I flew out of it. I then continued to fly until it went into a 3rd person perspective. I couldn't fly or control character. When I landed, it went back to 1st person perspective. I see cop cars surrounding me. I hit the floor with my foot and a shockwave tore up the floor and some of the cop cars exploded. The dream went back into 3rd perspective and in slow motion. I see a giant purple and green frog pop. He had a humaniod body. He started to destroy cars around us. He tells me he will watch over me. I realized I am getting way to carried away, and decided to wake up.

    Updated 02-15-2015 at 07:47 PM by DefineMeAsOne

    lucid , task of the month

    "Sun in the Palm..."

    by DefineMeAsOne on 12-18-2014 at 01:49 AM
    Journal Entry Lucid # unknown Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
    Background: I been thinking alot about lucid dreaming. I have been doing a R.C. when I see my sister since she is in every dream. I did this for only 1 hour before I went to sleep. I have been listening to PercyLucid's audio religiously.I heard it before I went to bed. I took his advice on not watching videos for an hour before I go to bed. While going to sleep I listened to Lucid dreaming series. While listening to it and telling myself I am already asleep. I relaxed my body and acted like I am asleep. I used PercyLucid Mantra as I tried to visualize snow to get ToTM. I drank water to do WBTB. I woke up after 2nd rem so dream is short. I also went to sleep excited, positive and energized. I told myself I wasn't going to write new LD I had until I updated my 3 month absence of writing on DV, but I was so excited about this dream. I wrote it a day late because I had an exam followed by getting into a minor accident.

    Lucid Dream # unkown, day: 12/16/14, time: 8:18-11:23 pm" Sun in the Palm of my Hand.:

    It was a bizarre story about a nerd that got teased by people. This girl tells him to do a song about them. He started rapping. I don't remember what the rap was about other than it was cool.Then I see a dream about corrupt cops roaming the streets. They been tailing people around the city causing chaos. They are playing loud rap on their patrol car. They pretended to help a civilian out but instead started to shoot at them. The other cop, not in patrol car maybe in a detective car, was just shooting at another car filled with gangsters. The cops are shooting just like gangsters. One had a shotgun in one hand just shooting at them.

    I believed what triggered my lucidity was being in garage with my sister. I was telling her how I would love recreate the fullmetal alchemist scene where the guy named father became god and made sun in hand. She just laughed it off. I became lucid, only remember this part of the dream. I was still thinking about creating the sun. I had a moment of doubt what if it don't work. I told myself to get something to help me out at first. I turn around and like a mistletoe I see a red circle held by strings dangling on the door. I hovered my hand a little below it and I just believed like theflowofmysoul said. And it went from a 2d cut out to a 3d eminatting red/orange/white sun, miniature of course. I was amazed by the outcome. I now wanted to create it without any type of assistance from the dream schema. I threw the mini sun I made and threw it at my dirty garage which I didn't notice until later.

    I held out my hand and opened it and out of thin air *boop* the sun, but this time it looked less realistic. The dominate color was red and the fire was just like a ball on fire. I then tried to do a different thing. First a red dry ball, I thought mars? then I created some weird colored ones. And finally I made a small little Earth. I know I should have thought about putting them together and making them revolve but I didn't. I threw them at the garage floor. My sister asked me, "could you make me one?" I said sure, and I tried it was hard to make this time. I told her after I gave it to her to make it herself. I told her to do it for another it is draining, but to do it for oneself is motivation. She asked, "how do you do it?" I told her believe not wish. Then her friends showed up. One girl I had a crush on for a while now.

    I tried to impress them. I saw the clutter on the floor of the garage, some pieces of metal scrap. I told them that I could pick up all of them. I start to use TK to pick them up. Some of them were very small and hard to concentrate on. But little by little they start gravitating upwards to my will. I managed to get half of them up their, imagine little bits of metal the size of a chair. Some of them were sharp. I although I was amused but to girls I was just annoying. She said to me, "that's boring". I dropped the metal that I TKed. I then thought maybe it is the size that they want to see. I start TK the TV, they all jumped and said,"Nooooooo". I don't know what I did wrong. I watched the TV and I kind of lost lucidity for a second. Saw something about rihiana getting married to somebody. I got bored of this drama show and I got up. I became lucid again. I walk to my grandmother room looking for something but I forgot. I look at the computer and I hear this person speaking a foreign language. I note it into my head about the absurdity. I remembered what I was doing before I got distracted and I wanted to create a life size model of the sun and planets.

    I walk out side and I remembered that I have been in this dream for a long time or it felt like it. I start to feel the dream destabilize and I remembered reading that flying helps. So, I after rubbing my hands a bit I start to fly. The dream looked clear again. I could see a pool in the yard. I then felt dream destabilize again. I am being sucked in by something. I try to escape it. I grabbed on to a rail. and I began doing what PercyLucid suggested to feel objects around you. I felt the coldness of the rail, the roughness and smoothness. I landed. My father shows up and he brought a watermelon which began to roll into the swimming pool. It was the same size as me. It went into the water and it had a hole in it. It began to sink. I went into a weird water bending stance, lol don't know why I did it at the moment. I used TK to take it out of the water, it was fairly difficult. After taking it out I just levitated it and brought it to my dad. He gets mad and tells me that I am wasting my time and I need to study. I told him I never felt more alive, and I feel energized. I then had a thought that woke me up. What if I wake up.

    Just want to say thanks to PercyLucid for the audio class. And flowofmysoul for those words of wisdom on dream control.

    Updated 12-18-2014 at 01:52 AM by DefineMeAsOne

    lucid , side notes

    "Epic Battle"

    by DefineMeAsOne on 08-31-2014 at 05:21 AM
    Journal Entry Lucid #75 Dream,Lucid, thoughts in dream,(Comments)
    Background:I was still practicing gravity RC around this time. All that I could say from memory, and I also did noseplug, and other RC as usual, but I don't know if I meditated or not.I did WBTB

    Lucid Dream # 75, day: 08/26/14, time: 4:06-5:06 Am " Epic battle with guy1":
    I am at school, in a boring class. I walk around the campus and I end up in my grandmas room. It is pitch dark other than a computer screen. My sister is playing her annoying music. I asked her kindly to turn it off. She didn't, but instead decided to go talk on the house phone. I was angry. I reminded myself to be mindful and that music is just sound. I got up and turned it off. She comes back and yell at me for turning off her music. I am not listening to her because I got fascinated by a shadow on the computer screen. A shadow of a huge spider. I didn't know where the source was coming from. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I tell my mother and grandma about the incident and they seem to just ignore me. I just had a weird feeling to do a RC. Nothing prompted it. I thought this can't really be a dream. I did a noseplug and at the same time I felt the gravity at the sole of my feet, and it fluctuated.

    I then floated to fully test dream. I rubbed hands together. I told myself not to worry about waking up. I landed and stopped rubbing my hands. I went for the front door. Normally in other LD, I wouldn't go for the front door because it was always pitch black, but this time I did. I opened door not pitch black, but it is night time. The neighborhood certainly changed and I see some construction site nearby. I fly towards opposite side of street. I felt that I needed to stabilize. I looked around and I paid attention to the sounds. I hear crickets. I could feel my legs and I'm amazed it is a dream. I am walking on sidewalk of what looks like outside of our church. I see two DC "training to become lucid dreamer". One DC was IN, a friend from school smart man, very open minded to new ideas, he is the teacher. I see them running and coming out of their bodies. Their body lands straight to the ground. I got quite into dream plot because I asked friend, TO, if I came out of body. He said no. Another guy, call him guy1 said yes. I said it is still a dream. I start to fly a little. They said, "How is he doing that". One screamed, "he has super powers". Guy1 said, "they should restrain me". I landed and levitated the two followers,who were running towards me. Guy1 walked towards me. I created a force field and he couldn't walk anywhere near me. My friend, TO thought I was a threat, so he came from the side and tried to get me. I used TK to stop him as well. There they were all straining their muscles to be free. I remembered what ~dreamer~ said to me about holding back. I put them down and I said to them, "ok we can talk about this..." my friend rushed towards me with a war cry.

    I stopped him with force field and I picked him up with one hand, he felt like a fragile. I slammed him over. His face facing the floor. I put my feet above his head. He didn't look like my friend anymore, but he felt like it. (maybe it is to make it easier for me not to hold back I don't know). He was crying. I let him go and I said, " you are not the problem". I went to guy1, the agitator, and there him into the sky with my hand. I start to fly away. I kind of lost lucidity and I ended up in a helicopter. I hear and feel a loud thumb on the helicopter followed by it spinning out of control. I felt the gravity change rapidly. I realized still dream. Guy1 came inside the helicopter. I threw him out of the window of the spinning helicopter. I then jumped out of the helicopter and started to fly. I start to hear a guitar solo, a very good one too. I start to charge at him. He punches me to the buildings, the buildings crumble. After a good exchange between each other. He start to plummet towards the floor and he screamed "high density field" I guess gravitational field. It messed with my head too and I started to feel a pulling effect. I see myself fall. I then awoken

    Updated 01-11-2015 at 04:22 AM by DefineMeAsOne

    lucid , memorable

    "Gravity RC"

    by DefineMeAsOne on 08-31-2014 at 04:34 AM
    Journal Entry Lucid #74 Dream,Lucid, thoughts in dream,(Comments)
    Background:I actually remember what I did this morning because it was so memorable. I did wbtb at 3:19 and I slept from 10-3. I watched a movie as I normally do while being attentive and imagining that the movie is my dream. I didn't meditate before going to bed. I actually didn't meditate for a weeks now, I became increasingly lazy. I haven't been putting my LD DJ on here and I haven't been doing as many reality checks. It all had to do with school starting and I felt kind of sad about my classes. Well on the 08/24 I started to accept my circumstance and I started to go back to my regular schedule. I started to do R.C both noseplug and gravity RC. I only do gravity RC on and off but the noseplug I always do it with my RC. (Written 12/31: I have not done gravity RC in quite some time so it didn't develop like his did, it was just starting to mature and I prematurely stopped doing it when school got started.)

    Lucid Dream # 74, day: 08/25/14, time: 7:00-7:24 Am " "Gravity RC"":
    At first I had a dream about a test that was due in class. I am on the website for my school and they had a random search button. I clicked on it an it took me to a random website. It had naked people on it. I swiped the website to get another website. I pause for a minute to let it sink in I am thinking "WTF". I thought about how such a program to exist that takes people to random websites and the downside to it. The teacher informs us that the test has started. Everybody is finishing. I am stressing out. I tried to read but words were to small to read. I got mad and start talking to others about it. I see ER, I say sup to him. He gives paper to the teacher, and throws a huge back of chips in the trash. He left without helping me, it is just like him though. I then went to the teacher to complain. I asked her how long do we have. She tells me as long as you want. I said a whole day.
    I wake up next to a swimming pool. I see my DJ in the water. I laugh at my dream. I say wow what a stupid dream. I have to take a test. I looked around and I think stupid me I didn't even do a RC I could be in a dream for all I know. I do a RC but I wasn't mindful. I then told myself to be aware of the whole body kind of gravity RC. I tried to feel my weight and my legs felt like noodles. The weight fluctuated up and down in a circular motion. I realized I am in a dream.
    .I am now in my room, I ask did I wake up, told myself nope still dreaming. I couldn't believe that the gravity RC worked. I feel the dream fading. Fear start to enter my heart. "NOT NOW" I say to the dream, desperate to hold on to it. I then hear a voice in my dream it was my voice or how I think I sound like. It said, "You have to get to get used to this, you are now a lucid dreamer. You don't need to be terrified of waking up". I start to feel happy. I then calmed down. I then went to a light switch to turn it on/off. I remembered reading about a task somewhere to turn on and off by your mind. I think brighter it didn't turn on. It has a window, where a mirror is supposed to be. I see a door outside. (dream start to fade so I concentrated on visuals.) I walk to it thinking it is a door to darkness. I opened it and it was dark. I then see a face look at me. The face was size of my body. It got smaller and it had three eyes. I got a little scared but I calmed myself and asked it what is wrong? He replied back but I forgot. I woke up after hearing him/

    Updated 01-01-2015 at 04:37 AM by DefineMeAsOne

    lucid , memorable , side notes