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    1. Pilots' Handbook Not Included

      by , 06-04-2014 at 12:24 PM
      I was only able to sleep for about 4.5 hours tonight, but managed to have a lot of dreams. To begin with, I was out in a field, with several other people. One women, older, with red hair, was laying on a towel commenting on how her faith was strong, and she believes will carry her. Everyone else was ridiculing her to some degree, except for Steve Carrell (who was using his persona of Michael Scott from "The Office") who said he had an answer. Upon hearing this, she said something along the lines of, "Ha! I told you my faith would pan out," but it turned out Steve was merely interested in the same question, to her dismay.

      Steve also used his influential wealth to landscape the field into these tunnels, where we would find God ("faith," though I'm assuming he was referring to God). At this point I was the only one, carrying a flashlight, and exploring the tunnels. I would turn the flashlight into dark corners and see large beasts instead. The first time, I stumbled across a tiger, and immediately ran further into the tunnel, where I came across a spider that could spit fire. Unfortunately I hit a dead end, but the tunnel was extremely high, and I began climbing to get away. When reaching the top I see rungs of a ladder bolted into the wall, which is more metallic than the dirt wall 10 feet below.

      While hanging on the rungs another spider is watching me, and shoots out corrosive pustules. The previous spider also finished climbing up near the corrosive one, and began shooting fire. I'm not entirely sure how I was doing it, but I was returning the fire and pustules in a way similar to Link and Ganondork in Ocarina of Time until both spiders fell down below. After stamping out some of the fires on my shorts (in particular the shoelace piece of some gym shorts), I'm aware that I'm dreaming- I'm not entirely sure what the trigger was but things became a bit more clear. I started looking around and was aware that the rungs of this ladder only started really high up. As someone who doesn't like heights too much, I became a bit nervous but decided I would just take the leap. I hyped myself up, reassuring myself this was a dream, and jumped.

      As I fell, the entire place started taking on a texture similar to the ladder and transformed into a airplane hanger. I began flying around (the first time lucidly), noticing the pleasant feeling in my stomach as if I just dropped, very similar to the initial jump when skydiving. During this time I used the means of flying as a sort of dream stabilizer, constantly telling myself I'm dreaming and moving around through the air very quickly, using a swimming motion. I could also float without making any large movements, and would reassure myself I was dreaming in this manner as well.

      At some point I land on the ground and I stand before a fighter jet. The man in the jet already got out of the plane for me, and began strapping me in. I did not request to be velcro-ed in, and double-checked that the man also had to do the same thing. I again became a little nervous about flying, as this time it would be much higher, but lost lucidity shortly beforehand. While in the jet (no longer lucid), a group of plane stewardesses were standing by the jet. I reached out and started touching them, talking to one women in particular who seemed to know me.

      An unknown amount of time passes, and a documentary of some sorts starts playing, recounting the tales of some guy with a funny name in a fighter jet. It appeared the man (who was me in the past) successfully flew the plane and afterward founded a school, dying later at a ripe age of 80 something. I remember "new" me walking around the place, not particularly impressed, and stopping before three men. One man, bigger than the other two, with glasses, was standing around and trying to talk to one of the guys, who was on the phone. The third man, a much older gentleman, was trying to convince the guy on the phone they should talk together. I had a feeling that the man on the phone and the man with glasses were about to achieve something, and I was given a window on which to observe the start of the achievement. I do remember the man with glasses was a bit uncomfortable, telling the guy with the phone he should be more willing to make friends.

      As I continue walking around, I end up on a cliff of some sorts and there was a friend I had, playing next to a computer, transformed into a 6-year-old. I approach him and we began talking, me in a way I'd talk to a kid learning about computers, and him as an intelligent six year old. Next to the computer was a joystick of some sorts that I tried plugging in so he could play a game of planes, but the power wasn't working. We end up talking about lucid dreaming, and he tells me that he recently had one. I recounted the one I was flying in earlier, though it doesn't occur to me I'm still dreaming.

      I walk past him into a house, and enter my living room at home where my mom is currently measuring the status of her pregnancy (she isn't actually pregnant). I was surprised by the notion of being the oldest of three after the birth, especially considering my mom wanted to rush it as much as possible. By the end of her tests, she concluded the baby's heart was 7 times larger than my mother's stomach, which meant things were progressing at the expected rate. Later on I help my mom package these sushi rolls, though we used packaged meat instead of seafood. My mother wanted the rows to be placed tightly in a container, so that each row touched the meat of the other rows without folding over. I had no idea how to do this, and she remarked it as me being scared (i.e. "Don't be scared of the food" which she often says about things when she wants me to be more forceful with something).

      I don't remember how I got here, but I ended up running around in my high school (circa 10th grade), and running by some people I knew. When going down the stairs, an old friend knocked down a pencil, and followed me telling me I dropped it. I thanked her and went to use the bathroom where I decided I wanted to pull a prank. In the stall I was only wearing a shirt, holding a pair of boxers and pants in my hands. Through the stall cracks I see someone that I pranked using this method, and he sees me. I'm self-conscious about being naked on the lower half, but conclude it's not a big deal and start talking to him. During this process I put on the pants. I have no idea what the prank was.

      Lastly, I have an overview of Fenway Park where the Yankees (7 runs) are playing the Red Sox (6 runs). The game was close, and everyone was idolizing "Big Papi" (David Ortiz) who, though it seemed doubtful at one point, managed to get a grand slam and somehow scored all 6 runs. Everyone was cheering, and a riot of people with signs commending him was forming outside the stadium. During the 7th inning stretch (presumably), my view followed the Red Sox, and, more specifically Big Papi. Somehow he ended up standing before a podium, decked out in a confederacy uniform. This did not surprise me, nor warrant my attention- I simply made a note of it.

      Considering I haven't been lucid for a good amount of time, and the night where I first post here I end up being lucid, I think this site has a lot of potential, at the very least in making me more aware of my dreams. Looking forward to more!

      - Josh