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    1. The Heist

      by , 06-20-2014 at 04:44 PM
      [Warning- this involved someone eating my crap. Actually, this was a major point in the dream. So....]

      [10: 30 PM]

      I was with someone, possibly HorseLime, and another guy I can't remember, but who I'll coin Bob. Bob was a big guy- not so much wide but tall, white, and with a very lackadaisical personality. His voice seemed to draw a bit, into a not quite southern accent. Nonetheless, he chose his words very precisely, and, though I didn't feel like it at first, he was very intimidating.

      I'm not entirely sure where we were initially, but we ended up going around different jail cells as "guests," and talking to some of the inmates. Of particular note, there were these large, marble (?) tables in each of the cells. At a certain time of night though, the jailers would grab these tables and stow them somewhere inaccessible. The heist that we were going to perform required a table similar to this, and we tried coming up with a plan to grab one.

      Though the table wasn't our end goal, but rather a means to an end, I don't remember what that end was supposed to be. I was being driven by HorseLime at one point (as a side note, I only remember one instance of me ever driving a car, and that resulted in a terrible crash), and he brings up the need for this table, and how we would steal it. I asked him why it wouldn't just be easier to purchase a similar table, and he realized that made a lot more sense.

      Some time passed, and we must have successfully completed the heist, as we were sitting in Bob's home, and, since he helped us with the steal, we now had to help him in return. His payment was our feces... He wanted us to crap for him, so that he could eat it . (At this point, my dream cut really quick to an image of Burnie Burns eating feces, and saying, while laughing sarcastically, "This is great."). I told him this was fine, but I didn't need to use the bathroom immediately, to which his response involved pulling me towards the middle of this apartment complex, pointing to the ground, and saying, "Do it there."

      Like I said, he was pretty intimidating, so I wandered outward a bit for a moment, took a whiz on a tree, in which my stream seemed to bounce off the roots which were out of the ground partially, and then returned to take said crap in said location. Unfortunately, as mentioned, I didn't need to go. After a while, I returned back to a home, and sat on the toilet (which was very reminiscent of designs I had in mind) , hoping this would induce some bowel movements and I had a tiny piece of crap come out, to which I panicked, considering he probably wanted that as well. I wiped my ass, with the toilet paper being bloody red when I pulled away, and returned back to the spot, where, again, I couldn't go.

      I tell him I can't as of now, and he gets mad, thinking I'm trying to short change him (as if I wanted to keep my crap...). I end up returning back to my house and am wandering around my backyard. The backyard was completely flooded except right by the deck stairs, and I didn't want to walk around too much and get dirty. There were two people walking in the far corner towards me though, wearing a dress and suit respectively. I can't picture the guy, but the girl, who I didn't recognize, seemed to recognize me. The couple went up the deck and started knocking on the back door. My father came in through the garage door, and also seemed to recognize her. The girl then turns back to me, and says, "Now do you remember me?" I claim she is #59-942, and I guess I was right, though she didn't look quite like her.

      I make/wade my way through the backyard further and reach the other side of our yard where it was less dry. Looking beyond the fence (since our backyard is slightly inclined), I see all the trees have staircases that spiral around them leading upward to platforms that are surrounded by smaller trees. I conclude one of those places would be a great place to crap, as it would be hidden, and I could then pay Bob back.

      I woke up at this point and fell back asleep as follows:

      [5:00 AM]

      I was at school, sitting (again) next to this girl I used to like (I realized its been more than 5 years now since I've seen her so I have no idea why she keeps cropping up). Another girl approaches the table we're sitting at, and states to #04-90207 that there are ways to improve herself. #04-90207 says she would like to fix a bump on her nose, which resulted in it being slightly crooked, to which I laughed and said I liked that about her. She responds with "I know" and we discuss how school is unfair. She ends with, "You'll do well in computer science."

      Across the room I notice Bob from earlier and Jack Patillo. I don't know if I crapped or not in the tree earlier, but I make my way back to Bob's. Jack also made a deposit near my crap. I tell him that I am nearly able to pay him and he goes to where I crapped, and sees two piles, plus a third (though I don't know where this originated from). He apologizes for doubting me, and presumably goes to town .

      [ Fragments ]

      - I may have gotten into a fight at some point as I remember looking into the mirror and seeing some of my teeth out of place. I put in my retainer and hoped for the best.
      - Someone told me to clockout of their online system