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    1. Illegal Weapons/ School Trip Dream

      by , 08-04-2014 at 04:05 PM
      3/4 August
      Illegal Weapons Dream
      Me and a bunch of my friends were down at the beach/harbor. two of my friends were trying to chat up some girls that were there. I was showing my friends my arsenal of weapons I had purchased illegally online. we walked up some stairs right beside the beach and walked for a bit. we arrived at a skyscraper apartment building. My friend grabbed a lock-pick blowtorch combination thing and started trying to get in the locked front door. Everyone was cheering him on apart from me and another of my friends. I did not want to get arrested for possession of the weapons, so my friend offered to get them taken to his uncle who would have them destroyed for me. we started walking down a hill, away from the rest of our friends. I was concerned because his other uncle is a supreme court judge in Glasgow, so i thought he was going to get me in trouble, but he promised he wasn't. There is a blank here and i cannot remember what happened. Then we were both in small cars driving down the road. We reached the bottom of the hill and my friend started driving up another uphill road. I was following just behind but before i started going uphill some idiot crashed into me side on which broke my car. I had to run up the hill. Then i woke up.

      School Trip Dream
      We were on a school trip to some wilderness trail course. we were about to walk across a bridge. Mr.Coward (teacher at my school) was talking to someone with the same name as me who had an English accent. They were standing just to the side of the bridge start. As I walked past he said to me "how is your hay fever, Cameron without the English accent?" But I thought he was talking to someone else so i kept walking. A little onto the bridge my friend informed me I had completely ignored him and we both laughed. To the left of the bridge the school football (soccer) team was playing. I looked to the right of the bridge and when I looked back my friend Declan who was previously there was not and in his place was some kid a year below me called Jack. he was holding a bib, the ones you wear in PE to tell who is on your team. I don't know which colour it was. Walking along the bridge was Mr.Hughes (another teacher at my school) handing out these bibs to everyone . Before he could get to me i suddenly found myself on the ground below the bridge, while everyone else was doing a "treetop trail". They all had earphones in, which were plugged into the rail that their harnesses were clipped into. When they noticed I was on the ground they threw a rope down so i could pull myself up. Before I climbed up, I took out a plug/socket which was battery powered and plugged some earphones into them somehow. I put the earphones in even though they were not playing any music or making any sounds. When I got to the top somebody asked how I was supposed to plug my earphones. I showed her the socket and we kept on going on the trail. Then I woke up.

      I also have a dream fragment of a stone archway.