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    1. Weird House Dream

      by , 08-06-2014 at 05:28 PM
      5/6 August

      I was in what i thought was my living room with 3 people who I don't know
      One girl who was very small was holding onto a metal hula hoop, shaped like a steering wheel or a "peace sign" and was being pulled by another girl around the room
      The third girl who was quite fat decided she wanted to get pulled along as well
      She dived down and grabbed the hoop
      The girl pulling it was able to pull it a few meters before she couldn't pull it more because of how heavy the big girl was
      The big girl was sad
      The little girl climbed inside a suitcase and said we were going to play hide and seek in here
      I automatically waited ten seconds then opened the suitcase and looked for her
      There was many zip pockets inside the suitcase
      After I opened a few a small arm popped out of one and threw a few cards at me
      She climbed out of the case
      I opened the room door and was upstairs
      My living room isn't upstairs, and this room was where my bedroom was
      I went down the stairs and sat on the sofa in the real living room
      My sister came in to the room with a bottle of water
      She sat down on the other sofa
      Once she had finished the bottle she throw at me
      I said "what the hell" and she said since i used the bottle first, it was my responsibility
      I actually did have a bottle in my real world room which i had filled up with water but there was no reason for my sister to have it
      I threw it back at her
      It went back and forth many times until i got very pissed off at her
      I walked over to her with the bottle in hand and said "if you don't Piss off, i will piss in this bottle and force you to drink it"
      I woke up immediately after that
      It was really out of character for me to make a threat so stupid, especially to my sister
      It was however very standard of my sister to try and blame things she was responsible for on other people
    2. Fake Weed Dream

      by , 08-06-2014 at 05:06 PM
      5/6 august

      Fake weed dream
      I was at my house i think by myself when i heard a knock at the door
      My friend James is there with Luke, who is also my friend
      He has a metal briefcase/ tray thing
      When he opened it it is filled with joints
      He offered Luke and me one, even though Luke was with him on his way to my house
      James is way too nice/pussy to do weed or distribute, and I have no intention of ever doing it
      Luke is the kind of kid to say he wants to do it but pussy's out when the opportunity comes
      I said i was scared my mum would find out
      James said it was fine and that i would never get caught
      I took it, thanked him and took it up to my room
      I got up to my room and placed it on my desk beside my computer
      I got a text from James telling me to come outside and meet him up beside the park
      When i left my house i realized i had taken a pencil and forgotten the joint
      I ran back upstairs and grabbed it
      When I got out my door Luke was standing there
      I was surprised how fast he had gotten back, because his house is at the other side of my area
      He told me he had smoked his joint and they didn't have real weed in them and didn't make him high
      I thought he was joking
      There was a blank here, but basically i ended up beside the park
      James was there and so was Luke
      I asked him if the joints were fake because Luke said they were
      He said Luke was lying and gave me a lighter
      I smoked the whole thing and never got high, nothing even happened
      Then i woke up
    3. Dinner with a homeless man

      by , 08-06-2014 at 04:44 PM
      4/5 august
      Normally i don't Eat dinner with my family, i take it up to my room and eat it while watching youtube videos.
      I was sitting at a dinner table in a huge room with my family and a homeless man who was sitting at the other side of the table to me
      My mum put out the food on the table
      When we finished eating our food my mum said "Its time for salad"
      I don't eat salad and there would be no reason to eat salad after the meal
      The homeless man was shocked that we could eat so much, as he had never eaten so much in his life
      I felt very sorry for the homeless man
      I woke up
    4. Illegal Weapons/ School Trip Dream

      by , 08-04-2014 at 04:05 PM
      3/4 August
      Illegal Weapons Dream
      Me and a bunch of my friends were down at the beach/harbor. two of my friends were trying to chat up some girls that were there. I was showing my friends my arsenal of weapons I had purchased illegally online. we walked up some stairs right beside the beach and walked for a bit. we arrived at a skyscraper apartment building. My friend grabbed a lock-pick blowtorch combination thing and started trying to get in the locked front door. Everyone was cheering him on apart from me and another of my friends. I did not want to get arrested for possession of the weapons, so my friend offered to get them taken to his uncle who would have them destroyed for me. we started walking down a hill, away from the rest of our friends. I was concerned because his other uncle is a supreme court judge in Glasgow, so i thought he was going to get me in trouble, but he promised he wasn't. There is a blank here and i cannot remember what happened. Then we were both in small cars driving down the road. We reached the bottom of the hill and my friend started driving up another uphill road. I was following just behind but before i started going uphill some idiot crashed into me side on which broke my car. I had to run up the hill. Then i woke up.

      School Trip Dream
      We were on a school trip to some wilderness trail course. we were about to walk across a bridge. Mr.Coward (teacher at my school) was talking to someone with the same name as me who had an English accent. They were standing just to the side of the bridge start. As I walked past he said to me "how is your hay fever, Cameron without the English accent?" But I thought he was talking to someone else so i kept walking. A little onto the bridge my friend informed me I had completely ignored him and we both laughed. To the left of the bridge the school football (soccer) team was playing. I looked to the right of the bridge and when I looked back my friend Declan who was previously there was not and in his place was some kid a year below me called Jack. he was holding a bib, the ones you wear in PE to tell who is on your team. I don't know which colour it was. Walking along the bridge was Mr.Hughes (another teacher at my school) handing out these bibs to everyone . Before he could get to me i suddenly found myself on the ground below the bridge, while everyone else was doing a "treetop trail". They all had earphones in, which were plugged into the rail that their harnesses were clipped into. When they noticed I was on the ground they threw a rope down so i could pull myself up. Before I climbed up, I took out a plug/socket which was battery powered and plugged some earphones into them somehow. I put the earphones in even though they were not playing any music or making any sounds. When I got to the top somebody asked how I was supposed to plug my earphones. I showed her the socket and we kept on going on the trail. Then I woke up.

      I also have a dream fragment of a stone archway.