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    1. Talking dogs and super criminals

      by , 02-06-2015 at 10:05 AM
      I want to start off by saying, the other day I had 6 lucid dreams, for the first time induced by me, previous ones before were random events. Anyway, one of the reasons why I am so interested in lucid dreaming is to stop the reoccuring theme of nightmares/or disturbing dreams. Those lucid dreams were really disturbing, and so, will not be sharing.

      However, these next two dreams don't really deviate from the realm of disturbing, only that it is not as bad as they could have been.


      This dream was the longest dream of many. I am standing outside the front door of my home, my downstairs neighbours dog, which is a western highlands terrier was standing in the steps and like normal he booked it to come say hello to me. My neighbour was standing at the bottom of the stairs and asked if I wanted to follow suit on their walk, her friend who had their own dog and a couple of kids would be there as well. I said, no problem. The next thing I know we are walking union terrace gardens, a small enclosed very vertical garden space squashed in the heart of the city right next to a train line. Her kids were walking just in front of us, and my neighbour's friend's dog was playing with me, sometimes he would bite me but then act really nice afterwards. Sometimes the biting was too much, I asked the owner to take control but she just glanced a disgusting look at me and ignored me. So I had to play wrestle with this dog and win, but then I realised. This dog wasn't playing or fighting, he was trying to get my attention. So i watched him use body language and remarks to convey his message, he didn't want to go back with his owner. He stopped dead in his tracks while everyone went further ahead.

      The dog was hiding behind this fenced pillar, head coming from one side, paws from the other. He spoke to me in english, and I said, "wait a minute, do you realise we can understand each other now, are you speaking english or am I speaking dog?" The dog looked bewildered for a minute, then I noticed that this separation of head and paws was unnatural and something was a miss.

      I grabbed the paws for a moment, and then this topless gangster looking guy with broken teeth came jumping out from behind the fence. He was really strong and there was much I could do but run. The next like 15 minutes of this dream is a getaway sequence of playing a 16-bit pixel art version of track mania, I don't have a good way to describe all that in detail, sorry.

      I wake up, i'm sitting in a chair in a livingroom of someone's house. I see the talking talk lying asleep at the other side of the room. To my right rotated at a 90 degree angle is a man sitting on a sofa, closest side to me. To my left is that woman, also sitting on this same chair as me, please note that I have not yet revealed until this point, this is one big lady, 7ft tall and morbidly obese. She is very angry at me, about the conversation I had with her dog, I don't know what part she is angry about but she starts shouting at me and claiming that I will understand the consequences. I immediately shit a brick, and I'm pleading "wait a minute, let's chat first, clear out any misunderstandings" she wasn't listening so in a desperate attempt to save myself I grabbed the bat. Again I said, "look, just give me two minutes to explain", she remained silent, but did not act any further, I used this moment to try get her anger to ease up a bit so I kept repeating things like "if youre calm, i am calm, i can explain properly, take it easy, breathe". The stage was set for me to explain, but at that point her kids came into the room to my right, via a door between the chair and the sofa.

      The first kid gave me a candy bar, I said thank but with no intention of eating it. Another kid gave me more candy, I had to politely decline as I don't really like candy and all this candy was becoming too much. Then kid number 1 snatches back his candy and bites into it, the edges of the bite started burning, as if was made of paper, the kid proceeds to blow the resulting smoke into my face. Trying to ask the mother to get him to stop didn't end well, as you could imagine. She took it as an insult and whipped out a fire extinguisher bottle, pulled the pin, aimed it at my face and sprayed that shit, everywhere. I had to get out of here, this place was nuts. I stand up and say, excuse me, I need to leave, thanks for your hospitality.

      This lady blocked my exit and said "You're not going anywhere" as she clung to that baseball bat "on your knees".

      Fortunately, this where I woke up.


      I woke up at around midnight, I had a really sore head and the shop isn't open for another 6 hours. I went for a shower and sat under a high heat level for about 90 mins to massage the migraine away. It's hard though, my migraines usually have a snowball effect, where I start losing vision, balance and I feel really sick. I know once I left this shower, the migraine would come back within about 40 mins, so I had to fall asleep in that time, I couldn't stay in the shower because having a comfortable place to puke, will make it happen. I got out, got a duvet, wrapped it around my head several times and lay on the sofa, telling myself over and over "3 and a half hours, I will be pain free".

      My next memory is sitting on the top step just outside my front door, finishing smoking a cigarette. From my vantage point I can see the courtyard of a business over the wall of my neighbours garden. The building is pretty derelict, but the company survives making doors and stuff. Anyway, i was unlucky enough to see an old man, grey hair maybe about 5 ft 6, stuff another man into a transparent bodybag, he was dead. I was sure there were 3 people there, 2 alive, 1 dead. When I looked a second time, knowing I shouldn't, there was only 2. Dead person and the old man.

      Before I could make it inside and lock the door, a tall black lady, quite attractive stood outside my front door. I instantly recognised her as the missing 3rd person. I quickly decided to hide my fear and be as friendly and cooperative as possible. She looked at me quite angrily, and said, "I hear you've been looking at razorblades online, do you think you would get away with that?"

      I was puzzled, I haven't and even if I had how would she know, or worse yet, why would she care. I had to answer carefully though, after what I had just witnessed, and I started to become paranoid that maybe, just maybe I had and had already triggered her visit before my knowing, regardless to being a witness to that situation or not. Who were these people?

      Before I had a chance to answer, quickly walking up the stairs the old man came brushing passed the woman. He was dessed in all black and his grey hair was combed back, and it was... greasy. He looked rough, and dangerous and he had an unusually high pitched voice as he said "Alright then" as he invited himself into my house.

      I tried to interject, and say: "Look man, what I saw, I forgot already, it has nothing to do with me". I looked at the lady just as I was finishing that sentence, she just smiled. The man carried on the conversation, in a very controlled manner. "Five days, I will be back here everyday for 5 days, at a time I see fit. Each day I will take five items from your home. Each day those 5 items increasing in value." He was upstairs in a room, and he made his way out holding 4 plates and a jug. "I imagine there won't be any problem with that arrangement?", the best response I could think of was. "You're going to take something everyday from here to keep?". He swiftly responded, "Nope". There was no aggression in his tone, I didn't feel threatened, which made it all the worse.

      I woke up though, so it all ended well. My migraine had gotten soo much worse though.
    2. omitted

      by , 02-03-2015 at 07:52 AM
      As the title says, some parts of this dream have been omitted, due to their disturbing nature. I've been having a lot of disturbing dreams lately.

      To start off simple, the first part of this dream was being at a caravan park, to attend my grampa's funeral. IRL he died in nov 2014, and I never got to go to his funeral. I don't talk to much of my family and they took this opportunity to block me from getting in contact with them. So in my dream I was at the funeral but at a distance, I could see the open suitcase he was being buried in and so i filled it with water with a power hose from work, don't ask. My family looked at me with such disgust I just left. I remember he suitcase being moved and the water sloshing everywhere, and I remember thinking the water would help preserve his body in case raising the dead became a thing.


      The next thing I know i'm playing world of warcraft, except i'm in the game, but still using a controller in my hands, apparently I think this game is for xbox. I come face to face with a celtic undead woman who asks me questions in fucked up gaelic/scottish slang that even I didn't understand. I answered and she became a party member of mine??? Whatever, I start getting chased by some guy in a landcruiser from star wars but I hijack him and drive away.

      I'm now driving underwater, collecting stars, PvP'ing, killing npc turrets. While driving down an underwater course with crazy bends and turns. It was pretty hectic. At one point I lost my landcruiser, a girl offered me her exo suit, which was big and bulky looked like something from starcraft except most of your body is still exposed, its hard to explain that one.

      Now i'm outside, with my new party member, I get a message from another player who sends me this wall of text asking why I let this npc become my party member, or something. I told him I was new to the game and told him to give me a fucking break,He tried to explain about the choices and stuff, but I didn't care. At this point a big red dragon filled the sky and I was trying to return from the menu to play by the controller cord was broken, I kept trying to reattach it, which worked for a couple of minutes but any movements in my hands knocked it off again. I eventually managed to ditch the controller and started running from this dragon, but no matter where we went he caught us. At one point I looked at my undead party member, she now looked like my exgf, wtf? I also tried to induce sexual intimacy at that point when we were in hiding, shame shame shame.

      We are on the run again, and we met this guy and his party. The dragon catches us of guard and is now flying down from directly above, one after another he spits meteor fire balls, which i deflect with a barrier and return with my own, but smaller fireballs. The fight was futile and I went to check my phone at one point and it was all glitchy, wasn't working (why no lucid dream here? bad habits irl).

      The next thing i know I am in a room saying the spyware needs to be removed. This is where the dream takes a weird turn. This spyware is a guy, who faces me, moves slowly doing weird hang gestures which paralyses me, and in which he takes the time to play/beat me. This cycle goes on for awhie, I run, but he is always there and he does another slow move, that freezes me. I learn that I had been drugged with automatic appreciation something something, so movements that he was doing was causing me to freeze and admire. I tried to do them back, which worked, and I used the time to escape, but he always came back. This part of the dream is actually a lot longer and a lot more,,, vast? than what I've put down
      but I would class this part as a nightmare, a nightmare which I don't really want to recount fully.

      There was another drug that made me stop being able to process movement, ie, people were moving and doing things, but I couldn't see it. When I blinked, everything would change and I would see the latest snapshot of initially opening my eyes, but then everything would freeze again, so basically repeating to close and open my eyes was equivalent of viewing the world at 3-5 fps. The things I saw were, not so good.
      non-lucid , nightmare