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    09/17/2013 Boat/house party

    by , 09-17-2013 at 09:24 PM (280 Views)
    I am with my friend Chris eating in a car after getting some food at some fast food place. I asked him "when can I come over to play poker" and he replies "we know you are struggling with a lot of things but not for the time being". Then I remember in the parking lot we were eating in a car pulls up with some really familiar faces. I remember I saw Luis, Diego, and their sis Muchi, they also were with some other friends who I definitely seen before. After they showed up they asked me where Ive been and I told them "taking a break" and they said "oh ok.....want to join us were going to this restaurant to go eat", at which point when I hear those words nothing stops me from going out. So then we end up in this mexican dark looking restaurant with dim lighting but the atmosphere was relaxing and some new chicks appeared here additional from the previous group we were with before. The girls were super chill and we hit it off great talking about of sorts of things which were making them laugh which at this point I remember everyone leaving except those girls which I waited for them to leave so they could have some company. So when we decided to leave it was 3 remaining girls and I who were about to go to the most epic party on this cruise ship because once we left that restaurant the scenery changed to a gaint cruise liner. Which at this point I remember running to my cabin number 325 to change cloths because I needed to change and dinner was already starting which afterwards the party was going to start. I started climbing the stairs super fast but not on the steps but on the railings on the outside like spider man would do or something and that freaking cruise liner is such a hassle it was as confusing as real life just like it was in the dream which totaling pissed me off. At this point I started running down the cruise liner to get to my room pass this one guy from my silver palm congregation who had foot powder and he was holding it upside down so there was foot powder everywhere which I remember choking on when passing by him. I got to my room and lost vividness.

    Side Dream
    I wen to this house party with Eli who is a close friend and when we entered it I remember it was a two floor house with a balcony overseeing the living room which gave a great open space to be talking and dancing. I remember seeing Merari on the balcony laying down on a pillow/mattress like hippie looking thing and then remember sitting next to her and talking. I actually saw the entire balcony was filled with hippie looking pillows with people sitting on them just talking which mad for a nice tone in the dream. I remember after a while I went downstairs to talk to Eli about something and lost vividness,

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