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    Old and new games

    by , 04-28-2012 at 06:08 AM (368 Views)
    I dreamed that i had gotten some microsoft points for xbox live and was repurchasing some old games. I came across Portal and played it, realizing it was not portal 1 or 2, so I went back and read the title, I could make out 'New('Next' perhaps) generation (something)' I cant remember the something. But I guess it was portal 3 alpha version in other words. I played the first level, it was not well put together, it seemed like it had alot of ideas in 1 room. The next room was gta4 like and you went down a ladder to a shipping area, cops patrolled by (The first time i 'died' here ). then get 15 feet across to another ladder to go up to another door. which leads to an office area where you meet a woman, about 50 years of age. She's blonde and a good secretary. You have some dialogue with her. There was a weird chair in that room. It was black with blue neon, kinda like tron, but awesome looking and the coolest thing ive ever seen. So I focused in on it and payed close attention to it. Then I woke up this morning.

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