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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Last Night...

      by , 08-04-2010 at 05:11 PM
      I dreamed that it was the end of the world, zombies were everywhere and only me, my boyfriend and a few ex-military types were left. We rescued a few survivors, two of them women and we took over an 18-wheeler. It was strong and souped up, we kept watch for zombies in the trailer while someone drove. Don't know who it was that was driving. Well we killed alot of zombies, and at one point I seem to remember we were sailing off a cliff after something went terribly wrong. I remember looking down to see where we would land and there was a highway bridge looming below. We landed on it without a scratch and kept driving. Eventually though, the ammunition for our guns reached zero and we parked in a back alley to discuss strategies and how to do this with only knives, a flame thrower and a grenade. One of the women jumped out of the trailer and I walked to her. She said she didn't want to live anymore if this was all it was, running from death without a chance to enjoy life. She asked me to pour gasoline on her and light her on fire. I refused, telling her that even if she really wants to die there are less painful means like a knife. She said she was certain she wanted to die and that if I wouldn't do it she would get someone else to. I stormed into the trailer and searched for a knife which of course suddenly was no where to be found. I jump out of the trailer and start screaming and kicking anyone who tries to do what she asks. But finally the other lady grabs the gasoline canister and dumps it on her while I'm distracted. I run to tackle the woman before she lights her on fire but she speeds up like fast forward on the DVD player and sets the woman alight. I remember crumpling to the ground and as we leave I say to my boyfriend that I'd rather die trying to get somewhere than give up in the middle of nowhere. I wake up. Surprisingly the dream was quite complete.
      non-lucid , memorable