Fragment of Dreams
Lucid Dream - DILD I’m showing a dream character how to do a reality check, then realize I have extra fingers. I double check my hand to confirm that I’m dreaming. I try and stabilize by rubbing hands together, and eating strawberry. The strawberry has a faint taste, so I ask if it can be sweeter with moderate success. Then think I need to complete the epic weapon creation task but fall back into dreaming. Dream #1: It’s night and everything’s quiet. I can feel the cool air. I’m looking at the inky black starlit sky and a bright shooting star arcs through the sky with a super long tail. It’s gets brighter and brighter until it hits the ground right next to me. It creates small crater and I immediately go to pick it up. There’s another person with me, who gets wet paper towels to help pick it up in case it’s hot. The stone is oblong smooth and about the size of my hand. It looks like labradorite. I feel the wet paper towels as I pick up the stone, but it’s not hot. I knew other people would be after this stone, so I go into my childhood home to find a hiding place for it. I go to the dining room and lift up one of the wood floor boards, thinking to hide it there. However, as I pry back the board and look through, I see that instead of a space to hide the stone, I’m looking through a portal that opens from the ceiling and looks down at myself prying up the floor board. Kind of an infinity portal/mirror effect is created. I’m somehow able to hide the stone in this portal zone just as a scary man enters the house, looking for the stone. I run into the basement, and out the basement hatch which leads outside. Once outside, I realize that the chandelier is swinging in the dining room since I bumped it while reaching through the ceiling portal. I’m afraid the man will notice it and realize where I hid the stone, so need to go back and fix it. Outside I meet Dr. Suess-like animal with portal mouth that I jump through to quickly get back to the chandelier and stop its swinging before the man sees.. I pop back outside and the man is suspicious that I’m tricking him. I see that he is now holding my sister hostage, so I’m unsure what to do. Dream #2: I’m at some sort of fundraiser campaign for an old politician. I’m in charge of the money and have lied about some sort of large donation for the campaign. I approach the candidate, who is an elderly man, and I ask if he’s ok with the lying and he says we have no other choice. I disagree and realize that we will be found out and his career will be ruined. It’s better not to win than to have this happen. I rush downstairs to try and find where I put the paperwork. On the way, I get stuck in reoccurring wood dream staircases behind the walls of the building complex. I’m trying to find the basement room where I hid the paperwork, but can remember which staircase leads to it. Dream fragments: Dream fragment where I’m walking next to a woman with two dogs. One is a German shepherd that I pet and it seems friendly. I belatedly ask for permission, and it is granted. We come upon a really steep grassy hill, almost in the shape of an amphitheater. Other people are sliding down the sides, and we do so as well. Dream fragment where partner and I are watching movie. Its black and white on a projector, and other dream characters seem interested to watch too.
Lucid Dream: I used MILD, reviewed my dream signs, and what I was gonna do lucid in that dream. Song “Hiraeth” by Clemens Ruh from prior dream kept playing through my head. Took me a while to fall asleep so I tried SSILD, which turned into WILD and I slid into light sleep paralysis. I asked for lucid dream, but nothing seemed to happen. I was super tired and felt awake in my bed. I assumed it didn’t work, but I worked up the energy to do a RC by looking at my hands. It took a lot of energy to move my hands through the sheets and lift my head. Lo and behold I had extra fingers, making this one of the most convincing false awakenings. I immediately spring out of bed, and rub my hands to stabilize the dream. Everything is super vivid, however it feels like I have one eye closed so I spend a moment trying to regain depth vision. My first task is to control the elements. I’ve worked with water and wind before, and wanted to try fire for the first time. I lifted my hands in front of me and willed flames into being above my palms. It was really faint at first, but I imagined using my body heat/energy to ‘heat’ up the flames and they became more stable. Still fairly subdued, so I’d like to try again at some point. At that moment, a hyper-real, very physical/sensual man walked right up to me. I do not recognize him from waking life. It was hard to deny his physicality and I could feel the warmth of his body and pull of his attraction. We chatted for a while and he wanted to engage in "things". We chat briefly about how it feels so real and physical, and if because of that it counts as much as in real-life. At various points in our conversation I try to sneakily summon a wall that I can walk through since it is on my list as my second task, but unfortunately a wall doesn’t appear and the man is still a distraction haha. The scene shifts and I notice that the man now has the head of animal. This reminds me of my third intention which was to transform fully into an animal. I know it’s out of intended order, but seemed relevant for what was happening so I gave it a try. I think of the leopard from my prior dream and feel myself morph onto all fours. I look down and see bright orange leopard paws and claws. They are little deformed and too bright so I spend a moment dulling the color and getting the shape right. At that moment I notice there is a wall in front of me. It seems like there are blue stained glass windows in the upper half, and I immediately think now's my chance to practice phasing through. In leopard form, I leap through, but realize I closed my eyes at the last second passing through so it doesn't count. I turn around and try again, but this time the wall almost flips aside like it’s a made out of flimsy plastic. I try one more time and make sure to keep my eyes open and focus on phasing through the wall fully and it works. The whole time I’m doing this, the now animal-headed man is looking very confused and is trying to follow me back and forth through the wall. He ends up getting stuck on the other side after I phase through. I end up landing into another false awaking, and do another reality check, but didn’t catch it that time so ended up slipping into a non-lucid dream. NDL #1: A group of us are setting a trap for the “enemy” but something about our plan fails and they find out. However the entity we’re up against plays “dumb” for us and sends someone to trip the trap anyways. This person turns out the be a friend. The trap is elaborate and involves him interacting with many different parts. I’m watching him from underneath some furniture so he cannot see me. Once he finishes setting the trap knowingly something changes - There is a brief moment where he is shown as a leopard running (in a new scene). Behind the scene I hear the song “Hiraeth” by Clemens Ruh distinctly playing and I wake up. NDL #2: I’m playing fiddle on the promenade next to a beach. I’m playing a slow Irish Air and a middle eastern family comes up intrigued by the tune. The handsome adult son walks up to me and says sounds it sounds like Afghan 'prison' music (not trying to be rude…more it’s just a lament and prison is a sad place to be). A friend pops in to say it’s Irish but originally probably British. Scene shifts to riding in the back seat of a car with the middle eastern man. He wants to play music so he brings out his instrument, which looks like a hammered dulcimer, but played with a short bow. He also brought a violin he can play. A friend is also in the car, and ends up borrowing the violin. I start playing Sí Bheag, Sí Mhór, and both the middle eastern man and my friend join in beautifully. He says this song is brighter than the first one I played, and I reply that is because I never got to the higher octave play through when he first heard it. Scene shifts and we’re driving through random parking lots. My sister, is in front of me now. NDL fragments: In a reoccurring area where conflict happens. Usually there are wooden arenas and hills in the area. In this particular dream I’m escaping a pursuer in a rock garden with a lot of cacti and succulents. I try and hide in the shadows to escape from the bright sun. Advanced combat teams in circular looking submersibles are in a water combat course. They work their way up river firing projectiles from the submersible. My mom is doing some sort of performance art in her office at home. There is a large crowd in the room so it’s hard to see the end, but her final act in the performance is to feign death. The crowd applauses at her performance and afterwords she goes with me to the buffet to get her sandwich.
Updated 07-11-2024 at 06:11 AM by 101043
Dream #1 Get dropped off at airport gate by van driver who’s doing individual rides. Get to security and realize I’m traveling with a bunch of paraphernalia that I need to sort. There are a bundle of wood wands from my childhood that had been cut at the ‘handles’ and separated. I also spent a long time anxiously trying to put out a variety of incense that wouldn’t stop burning. I was worried that security would catch the smoke. Dream #2 At the Japan airport gate. My sister is trying to change her seat from Red 9 to the lounge because she missed her connection last time she sat in red 9. She points to confiscated items under the help desk, picking up a lighter, to show her ask is reasonable but it’s denied by old Russian man behind desk. We board the plane. Dream fragment #3 I’m hiding under some slatted stairs and a friend is teasing me with realistic stuffed animals that he had made. Dream fragment #4 On top of moving train. In some sort of hammock and trying not to lose my keys or other things out of my pocket through the hammock netting.
Updated 07-10-2024 at 02:47 AM by 101043
Dream #1: It’s night and I’m in childhood valley near where I grew up. I’m invisible and sneaking into my “animal senses” in order to wake them up. This was done by entering a bush on the side of the valley road without the cars headlights noticing as they drive past. I would then change into different animals? I’m doing pretty well first in a big cat form, but get a premonition that something big is going to go wrong. A massive train made of beaten up blue retro vans bursts destructively from my best friend's old house and into the valley. It careens up the road, and towards the hill that leads to my childhood home. I know I need to stop it, so I turn into a wolf with “earth powers” to try and cut it off. Scene goes third person, and as the wolf runs it creates a trail of earthquakes/earth walls behind it to block the “train’s” path as it tries to go up the valley hill. Dream fragment #2: Cleaning a large empty pool. There are leaves strewn on the bottom. I find metal skewers in pool (one with blue and one with red handles), which seems kind of dangerous. There is some sort of substitute teacher trying to direct operations of our group, but she realizes she’s redundant and that we already know what we’re doing. Dream fragment #3: I’m with a couple others learning how to summon “curses” or “spells” of some sort using intention. I think we’re in some sort of Buddhist monastery. I’m walking up some stairs and focused on my intention when I feel a shift inside of me. A couple metal “skewers” begin to fly around me and into the open chamber at the top of the stairs. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is our teacher and I can see him smiling as he follows me up the stairs. He says I’ve started to figure it out.
Dream fragment #1: I’m part of some sort of race and I’m climbing down an invisible pinnacle in a dark cave. I have to use touch in order to climb down and I make it to the bottom of the pit way ahead of competition. The ground is lit up by light and other people are there. Dream fragment #2: I’ve home-made ginger cider. I pour it for a couple people, but don’t have enough for everyone. I’m upset that I only have a little left for myself. Dream fragment #3: I volunteer to hold my baby nephew, which surprised my sister in law. Instead my partner holds him and takes him briefly out of the room. This is the first time the child has been out of sight of his mother, which alarms her.