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    Haunted castle escape CSS:ZE mode

    by , 02-12-2012 at 11:01 AM (498 Views)
    DREAM 1:

    Me and other people try to escape from a hospital/school castle (kinda like Hogwarts). This castle is haunted by a evil old lady named Marry (She yelled "Awaken from harmless innocence to the sublime truth"; or something like that).

    We are in the sewers of the castle, the warm water reaching our knees. We all are separated in multiple groups and all have some kind of boat. After a while I fell of the boat, and when I returned I observed it was actually a sleigh. I observed that sometimes everyone has a gun and sometimes no one has a gun, but I didn't become lucid... Also my boat kept modifying.

    At the end of the "map" we had to jump from a plastic box to a crack in a wall. The plastic box wasn't attached to the ground so it was very unstable. 2 people jumped ahead of me. Then it was my boat comrade turn, but I put myself in front on him in terror of hearing the evil Marry resonating voice and jumped. The box being unstable collapsed, so did I. Marry was really close. I took the plastic box near the wall and jumped. Before Marry arrived in the chamber, the dream ended.


    There is a party in that castle I was talking about. But the castle now is colorful and bright. Outside people protested and some political rivalry took place. At the party was me and some friends I don't know. I'm trying to be funny, but I don't succeed.

    Actually this fragment took place before the nightmarish dream.

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    non-lucid , nightmare
