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    by , 02-04-2011 at 06:14 AM (652 Views)
    im pretty young and im not an experienced lucid dreamer YET but i have had some lucid dreams in the past and would like them more often. i have tons of questions like what is WILD (wake induced lucid dream i know that but i dont understand it) i started my dream journal last night and this is the one entry i have but idk)

    im in my school hallway. by the double doors that lead to outside where you can see trucks. im talking to brendan bielik. we walk to class and sit down. mr.reed is there? there is a long table like one of those at a court room. sara declue is there. everything is very dark (in the sense of brightness) as how most my dreams are.
    how are you
    im sorry but it has to be like this

    the dream ends and a new one begins that i do not remember

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