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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Dream Guide - First Meeting

      by , 08-20-2011 at 06:54 PM
      I went lucid for the first time today in a long time and I believe I met my dream guide. The dream started with me playing soccer on my high school team. Typical dream, soccer was a big part of my life I dream about it a lot. But I was playing TERRIBLY. Under performance was always a big fear of mine. The score was 1-1...or it was a very close game definitely and then for some reason we completely restarted it towards the end of the first half. Can't remember why but the game then turned into something like 3D pong. Oh and for awhile the other team had a UFO sandwich that apparently absorbed the ball. My dreams are always kooky. I was a goalkeeper and when the pong ball got hit at me I got my hand on it but it went through, goal for the other team. Then I got really, really, really upset and angry. I was born an angry child. I thought I learned to let go of anger in eighth grade but I guess I didn't. The field changed and then the stands were in front of me and all of the fans started throwing things at me. Catchup and mustard from the concession stand. At first I was pissed but then suddenly I told myself to be calm. I took the mustard and catchup and started drawing flowers. I was more than aware at this point that I was dreaming.

      I continued to draw flowers with the mustard and catchup. Thought it might be good practice you know of being calm. Then I turned the flowers into ornate designs that were in marble on the floor. I was in a city. I've never been to London but I think it kind of looked like London. Stone. But it was made of white stone. And my floor design (that I made from table condiments!) turned into a gorgeous black and white design that stretched under like a tunnel thing or a gate. The design turned into a representation of the solar system. I went to the middle or where I felt the energies were strong and tried to summon Jimmy Page (young Jimmy Page) because I wanted to talk to him about Stairway to Heaven and the occult. But he didn't appear and I could feel myself starting to become conscious. So I closed my eyes and decided I wanted to go to the beach.

      Sure enough sand, beautiful sand, manifested under my hands and feet. I was scooping it up. The sight was blurry but it slowly came to be. I was at the beach. Turquoise water, beautiful sand, and for some reason many highways winding around each other floating in midair above the waters. I did not get the feeling that they were environmentally hazardous though that detail isn't really important. I can't remember what happened next, but somehow a man appeared to me. He didn't have a name or at least not that I was aware of but upon waking from this dream I am sure that he is my dream guide.

      He had a car and we started driving along the freeway system I mentioned. The whole time he was speaking words of profound wisdom. I connected every lesson he told, and sadly I can't recall any of them verbatim, to my life. It was almost like when you first meet someone. I was telling him all about the sports I played, my hoop dancing, how I'm studying graphic design, all of these things. The only difference was I think he's well aware of all of it.

      He was kind of a crazy driver there were times I thought we would for sure go flying off the side of the freeway into the ocean and I'd scream because I knew that would wake me up. I remember he asked me if I wanted to stop and I said no. Then I remembered how the dreamworld works. "No because we can breathe underwater you know," I said. "We absolutely can," he said back as the car plunged down a ramp into an underwater portion of the freeway system. And yes, we were both breathing water at that point.

      Next thing I remember we were driving along the seaside itself. The waves were crashing all around us. Sometimes I felt scared we would be swept to sea. He told me that's why self control is so important. He said losing yourself due to a lack of self control is like being caught in an undertow and swept out to sea. He said lots of other things too. That's the only message I can really, really remember.

      Then we parked. I felt like 2D Mario in a beautiful scene. And by that I mean depth perception felt completely removed. There was a reddish orange path that stretched forwards flanked on either side by a line of beautiful lime green leaved trees. Above that there was the deep cerulean turquoise of the ocean (not at all in typical landscape fashion) and above that was the tangerine sky. He led me to a spot between two trees where we sat. Other couples, some of which were not human, filed into the spaces between the other trees. On each side the trees were on regular intervals, the gaps between were snug and private, perfect for two people/raccoons/creatures to sit and talk.

      Dream Guide told me he was a "personalizer." Not quite sure what that is. I curled up next to him fully expecting him to be embracing. Which he was, after awhile, but he started crying. "It's been so long since you've been here," he said. "So so long." I do not know where I was exactly.

      Oh side note I forgot to add I think he was the dolphin from my last dream. I remember when we were driving and I was talking about being able to breathe underwater he jokingly started making dolphin noises and I laughed and said "Oh so you're a dolphin now?!" I'll post a link to that entry I'll write that one next.

      Anyways while we were sitting I remember he rather forcefully said "Why don't you just ask the question?" Telepathically he communicated the words I needed to ask to me but that overwhelmed me and so I butchered it and asked "Why did I get to meet you?" That was the wrong question. He looked downtrodden. Then through the dreamscape I heard the phone ringing. I told him I was ignoring it so I could stay there but I think we both knew I was waking up. I looked at my hands and tried to make four butterflies come out to keep me in the dream world but it was too late. I woke up.

      My dream guide looked like this.

      Updated 08-20-2011 at 07:00 PM by 36941

      lucid , memorable