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    1. Me being fit :D + evil old lady and the barn I never had.

      by , 09-03-2010 at 11:45 PM
      Non Lucid

      I am in some kind of cross country race through town. I am coming second. I am unfit to the power of ten so I found this amusing when I woke up. The race finishes at the pines. My old year adviser is at the finish line. I get reprimanded for being unprofessional and squirting water at other competitors (which I didn't do)

      At my house. Girlfriends car parked on the front lawn. It's night time and I notice The back window is cracked. I go to inspect it when I am attacked by an old lady I don't recognize. She has a big steel knife and is taking swings at me. I retaliate by pulling a big f-off sword from nowhere that looks like a monster sized version of her knife and start swinging at her, but all I can cut is her hair.

      In an old barn that feels familiar and mine although it isn't recognized. Younger step brother has decorated the roof with crappy skate graphics and glow in the dark paint

      [Nightmare] Night-time, running

      Dream recall is improving, especially when I write it down in between dreams.
    2. More fragments :/

      by , 09-03-2010 at 06:47 AM
      Non Lucid

      dream recall is improving Also, fairly vivid colours and scenes due to WBTB at 4am.

      Throwing blue smoke at an invisible person so [we?] can see him (and kill him??)

      Baby sitting a 3 year old boy. He shows me a doll in the mirror that isn't there in real life. It is ugly as hell and is wearing a yellow dress. I grab it out of the mirror and squeeze it.

      Leaves, cherry picker, 4wd, gutter

      Running up many stairs in an outdoor tower/fort. running past backpacks which I know are useful. Possibly on a team with some people. Getting attacked by some brightly coloured animal with small pteradactyl wings [dog? jackal?]

      maze building dark, fire torches