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    1. Very strange experience

      by , 05-29-2012 at 09:56 AM
      this was not a dream. I was waking up from a subdream state after laying in bed for a few hours. As i sat up at the end of my bed, I felt i was 'waking up' or that my brain wave pattern was changing. I felt a need to maintain the sleep-state I was in and so immediately tried to tap into that state of mind, and at the very moment I did so, there was suddenly a power outage, or short in the electricity to my whole house. Everything turned off and back on again. This was extremely creepy. Coincidence probably but it was freeky.
    2. One wierd dream

      by , 05-27-2012 at 06:04 AM
      picture this; your in a high mountainous area, theres snow everywhere and huge pine trees here and there. it's not snowing, but it's everywhere on the gound, just white everywhere you look, and there's a huge chipmunk the size of a skyscraper. he's all moving slow, rummaging around and looking for you stomping his feet and all. I kept hiding behind trees and dugouts in the snow but it never worked very well. this was really wierd, I dont usually have dreams like this. what do you guys think?
      non-lucid , nightmare