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    1. Recall is still crap.

      by , 07-28-2015 at 12:59 AM
      The only thing I remember from last night's dreams are a man turning chickens into ducks and setting them free in a pond, and a few vague memories of talking to people about LDs without actually becoming lucid.
      dream fragment
    2. First entry, LD from last night. Flying, air dancing, Jonas, Egypt

      by , 07-21-2015 at 10:19 PM
      I'm working at Target, which is where I used to work in real life, except I'm a cashier instead of a Starbucks barista like I was previously. I've just started back there for some reason after not having worked there in months, so I can't remember my employee number to clock out. I realize I have to get to my other job at Home Depot (another place where I used to work, years ago) and I'm panicking because I can't get anyone to help me clock out and I have to be at my other job in five minutes. I finally yell at someone that they'll have to take care of it tomorrow and storm out through the parking lot towards my car. As I'm walking through the parking lot it starts to rain.

      I look down at my hands and realize I'm dreaming. I do a quick nosepinch RC and then decide I'll do some flying in the rain. I'm in a very good mood because I haven't had an LD or been able to fly in a dream in months. I'm soaring around in the warm rain and I pass over a parking lot where music is playing and there are people breakdancing. I start busting a move in the air, just flailing around dancing like an idiot while flying. It's so much fun!

      I decide I want to try to go to manifest a certain celebrity, so I touch down expecting him to be there, but instead it's Jonas from Sense8. I laugh a little and say 'Why are you here?' and he says 'I don't know, it's your dream'. I realize we're on a street in the town I grew up in and I don't want to be there, so I tell him we should fly to Egypt and check out the pyramids.

      He gets out a map and I sort of tried to fly into it, but it didn't work, so I just flew up again and went way, way up until I could see the whole continent of Africa on the globe. I descended slowly towards Egypt but got frustrated because I didn't know the exact location of the pyramids. I ended up flying over Cairo and observing the city from the sky. Finally I flew out of the city and into an empty desert. It was quite beautiful at night but I was still a bit disappointed that I couldn't find the pyramids. I grumbled to myself that "I can control my dreams, I should be able to do what I want!" and then I woke up.
