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    Paper Planes

    by , 07-04-2010 at 10:29 PM (552 Views)
    Dream | Lucid | Commentary
    ƒ, "False Awakening" | ø, "Reality Check" | Ħ, "Aware of Dream and Real Stimuli"

    A group of influential political figures along and I were cornered on a platform connected to a massive structure of catwalks suspended 50 feet over water in the middle of a bay. Armed combatants blocked every exit, keeping a firm perimeter above our stage. Plunging into the ocean was the only escape at this point, but everyone was dressed too well for that.

    Stepping "outside" the desperate scene, I turned to a table piled high with blank notebook paper and began folding paper airplanes, which I then threw back into the scene, trying to land them on the platform so we would have some means to fly away. A few flew between the catwalks and dived into the sea, but the politicians managed to catch one and board it.

    Almost like a play-within-a-play, I could step outside the current situation and give myself help from the outside, like a meddling narrator. Unfortunately, I don't remember if using the paper planes to escape actually worked.

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    Updated 07-04-2010 at 10:31 PM by 19552 (Font color didn't appear correctly.)

    non-lucid , dream fragment
