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    1. Excerpt from Scalpman

      by , 06-22-2013 at 01:34 AM
      (This is a portion of a vivid dream that I had. It was some sort of play or movie that I was viewing at the time. This excerpt was spoken over a series of random images, sometimes correlating to what was being said. I may have a a bit of this copied down wrong, but I still remember this almost perfectly.)

      Excerpt from Scalpman

      As I examined the scalp of an older man
      I felt his dying breath pass my hand.
      The tangibleness of his essence confounded my inner thoughts as I now strolled through the snssispsing fields. It looked as if it would be a good yield this spring. My head had told me that if I was to accept this offering, I was to find a suitable orifice in which to store the now stale and rusty lock box. This box existed only between scalpman and myself, so I was sure that it was of some moderate value. One might intend on unlocking such treasures, but I was of a keener mindset as I discovered, in that singular moment, that I was alive.

      Gripping the soul of a man who was either deceased or erased from my reality, I hurried along to the well, somewhere near the center of the fields. I threw one last glance behind my shoulder, towards the ruins that I had become quite familiar with. A mother that I never believed I knew. That place knew me. We shared a connection of an increasingly uncertain nature. This was her will. I was merely a vessel. I had never felt more free in my life. As my body was no longer mine, my mind was more willing to comply to my demands. I had control as I reached the well, dripping with a sweet nectar that my pores had so thoughtfully provided. I was doing something very important, she said, as I was flung into the well, package in hand. My last thoughts were of doubt and regret, which were swiftly and rightfully extinguished.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Stair Craft

      by , 06-21-2013 at 08:29 PM
      I'm on a perilous and winding mountain road. The road eventually gets to a point where it's straight up, at a 90 degree angle. I make it over the top of the incline and end up in a town.

      A large group of people are hanging around outside their houses, celebrating new years. I notice that four guys seem out of place. I also notice signs of some sort of mysterious substance that is being handed out and passed around. I witness people eating the powder. Nothing noticeable happens to anyone.

      I travel to the house of stairs. Stairs everywhere. Probably an infinite amount of stairs. There are drawers and cabinets everywhere. Every single stair has hidden compartments. Suddenly, Blake and Joe are with me. We find a white, cocaine like powder. I assume this is the substance that the people of the town were ingesting. We find drinks in another hidden compartment, and we mix in the powder. Of course, we had to drink it. Pass out.

      Wake up to find everyone gone and an enormous craft outside of town. It's so badly wrecked that I can't really tell what kind of machine it is, but it seems to have come from the air. I enter it, and a child is panting and writhing with rolled back eyes. I turn around and see an old friend. I ask him where everyone is. He tells me they're not here anymore, some sort of transformation, or ascension. I ask about the child, and I'm told something unintelligible. I exit the craft alone, and make my way to a glass skyscraper in the middle of the town. I make it all the way to the top floor. I walk over to the window, and stare out over the town. No sign of life, and the wrecked aircraft has layered the town in a thick fog. I'm then pushed from behind. I smash right through the window, towards the ground. As I'm falling, I manage to spin my body around to look up. I see a small figure also falling. I can't make out its face, but I can see that it's smiling. I spin my body back to face the rapidly approaching ground, but I realize I'm not falling anymore, and I'm back at the house of stairs. Blake and Joe are, again, with me.

      There is a mother and a child sitting on some stairs, blissfully unaware of us. The child is playing with a streamer while the mother watches with endearing eyes. There is an extremely old woman at the top of some stairs, fiddling around in a drawer. I start moving towards one of the infinite number of staircases, but the old woman turns to me and asks, "Have you had a taste?" I just smiled smugly, for reasons unknown. "Enough!", she said, "You'll have a taste now." She had an empty, terrifying look in her eyes. Joe and Blake were frozen in shock, eyes and mouths wide open, staring around, at me, at her. I took what was forced on to me, which happened to be that damned white powder again. My vision flashed, mind went numb. I saw the old woman's features take on an extremely slender and jagged quality. She slowly morphed, becoming taller and skinnier. Her eyes were black, face blurry, as was everyone else's. She drew me closer to her, and then shoved my now tangible consciousness into my brain. Like, literally, into my exposed brain. Having anything shoved into your brain probably hurts.

      Oh boy.
    3. Piggy Boy

      by , 06-21-2013 at 04:56 AM
      I'm sitting at a table with lots of people. They are mostly acquaintances, and I know most of them as friends of Ryan. Something happens to my shirt, some sort of spontaneous combustion, and everyone gets very nervous and uncomfortable. All of us drink cans of beer, completely synchronized. I go into a house, and up some stairs. I find a small, closet-like room. I pull out a mini couch from my pocket, and fall asleep on it.

      I wake up, and I'm standing in a line. It's unnaturally bright outside, and the sky is brilliant shade of blue. I notice I am wearing what look like scrubs. They are all white and one piece. More like a jumpsuit. I focus on where I am, and I realize I'm standing in a line that is heading towards the front gates of a mental health institution. Everyone in the line seems very normal, even better than normal, perhaps. I finally get to the entrance, and there is a guard sitting in a tiny booth with a glass screen in front. When I try to speak, nothing comes out. The guard looks at me and shakes his head, with a look of pity and disgust.

      Flash forward, I'm in a small group, outside. I'm now within the gates of the institution. Suddenly a very large, very round child comes up to my group. As he's about to open his mouth and say something, a man in our group stands up and shouts, "PIGGY BOYYYYY", followed by two quick snorts. He calmly sits back down, and everyone is silent. We remain that way for what seemed like minutes on end. Then, suddenly, piggy boy lunges at me. He's incredibly quick and nimble. He scoops me up over his shoulder and takes off running. He's going so fast, everything around me is a blur. I can hear him snort, ever so quietly. When we stop, we're on the roof of a tall building. It has a basketball court on it. Piggy boy puts me down, and starts shootin' hoops by himself. I watched him play until the sun set.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Swanskin

      by , 06-19-2013 at 08:01 PM
      I was in a bar/ school/ I don't know. I was standing alone. I eventually made my way to the back, and recognized some people. They were people that I knew from a long time ago. All of the girls in the group were wearing black tops, and white skirts or dresses. One girl had a white top with a black skirt. I pointed it out to the group, and everyone started laughing. I then made my way back up to the bar. I noticed an Asian woman, sitting alone. I sat next to her, and offered to buy her a drink. She smiled at me, and I got up to get the drink. I found the drink at a desk, in another corner of the very large room. I walked around some more, until I reached a parking lot of sorts. There were about 6 circular pillars, 3 on each side of the room, leaving one row in the middle, which had tables and desks with people sitting in them. In the other two rows, behind the pillars, were hundreds of bikes of all shapes, sizes, and colors. I remember a small bike that had the red power ranger's face on the handlebars. It was painted red. The other was a very long bike, made to resemble a bottle of orange crush.

      I went back to the Asian girl with the drink I found. The drink looked and tasted like completely watered down mountain dew. There were three men sitting in front of the girl now. They were leaning in towards her unnaturally. Two of them were black males, one skinny and one fairly hefty. The other guy, the guy talking to the girl, looked like Winnie the pooh, color and feature wise. When I got up to them, I could see the girl was extremely uncomfortable. The guys looked at me and started joking around and insulting me. I ignored them, and asked the girl if she wanted another drink. She told me to go find another table to sit at. This made the guys upset. They started to surround me. I was trying to tell them that I knew her, that it was fine. I ended up being a dick to them, and flipping them all off. They made fun of the fact that I couldn't fully extend my middle finger. They leave the bar, making threats on my life.

      Flash forward, same place. I'm with the Asian girl still. Someone bursts through a door that I didn't notice before. He's carrying a newspaper. He's also visibly upset. He tells us that the two little guys ended up killing each other in a shoot out. Memories told me that a young boy, after the threat on my life had been made, approached us and told us he would take care of the guys that were harassing us. I assume he had killed the skinny black guy.

      Flash forward, in the same place. It's empty now, only 1 or 2 people are sitting around. I recognize that I'm with Cole. He's standing next to me, along with another person. We approach a doorman, standing with his arms crossed, next to a door. He opens the door for us and pulls me aside. He points across a street that appears in front of me. He asks me if I see the women with the pink tights. I do, she is walking away from my location. He tells me something unintelligible about her, but I'm suddenly filled with rage. Cole has already started walking across the street, so I join him. I'm about ten feet away from the pink tights woman, when she goes into a building. I'm about to follow her, but Cole goes into another building, next to the one she went in. I follow Cole in. The store looks like a variety store or upper class pawn shop. There are two older people behind a jewelry counter, located in the front left of the shop. They are both Asian, one man and woman. I thought that were probably married. I follow Cole up to the jewelry counter. We look around for awhile, until Cole says to me, "I'm going to need a honest opinion on what to shoplift, here." This took me by surprise at first, but I realized it was Stefan's birthday. The Asian couple started arguing, and entered a backroom. Cole and I started throwing boxes that were on shelves throughout the store. We found that there was a silky material in the boxes. When you shook them, they would break apart into feathers. I grabbed a turquoise box, and it said we were handling swanskin. We threw as many boxes as we could fit into a black trash bag that Cole suddenly had.
      non-lucid , memorable