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    1. The London Underground

      by , 07-20-2011 at 08:18 PM
      Ok, so I don't exactly know if this was a dream that I had when I was asleep or if it was a kind of Lucid. I think it was Lucid though Anyway, here it is.

      I was with my friend, Steph (known as Dreamer4127 on Dreamviews) in the London Underground. We had no adult with us or anything and it was just as busy as it is whenever I go there. We were just standing there waiting for our train to come when Steph thought that she would go and stand right on the edge of the platform. But as she did so, she fell off! She was just lying on the track in shock when I saw that there were some sparks begining to appear on the rails which meant a train was coming! I grabbed her hand and pulled her up onto the platform again just as the sparks got bigger and the train came. Then I said to her "You nearly lost your life!" and she replied "I know.". What I didn't quite get was how she was just so chilled about it and also that I never looked around to see if anyone else had seen what had happened but I don't think they had! Then I think we got on the train and it was really crowded and that's when my dream ended.

      Thank you very much for reading my dream
      lucid , non-lucid