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    1. I met my higher self yesterday...

      by , 01-23-2024 at 06:16 PM
      This will be my first post on this platform as I am a new user but I am looking forward to reading and connecting with other individuals. I have a lot of experience with lucid dreaming and I have been doing it for several years now. Recently I have begun a new phase of my adult life; I have lost interest to carnal desires and I am going on 3 years strong of complete sobriety. I even managed to completely ditch energy drinks which was a very hard thing for me to accomplish. I believe that all these factors contribute to my most recent lucid dream. My dreams usually become lucid about half way through when I realize that I am dreaming and I completely gain control of the dream experience. Yesterday's dream started the same as all my other lucid dreams have done, only this time things were a lot different. I have been trying to connect to the metaphysical for several months now through meditation so the idea of reaching out to my higher self has been at the back of my mind for a while. My dream from yesterday went from lucid to sleep paralysis which often also leads to astral projection for me but this time I was aware enough to call out to my higher self. I requested its presence and it is then that I heard a voice in my head. I couldn't see anything but I could hear a voice and feel very intense vibrations throughout my entire body. It was honestly kind of intimidating but I managed to not become fearful and kept on asking my higher self the questions that I wanted to know. The first thing that I asked it off the bat was what my purpose was. The voice responded that it knew but could not tell me because it would get in trouble. That one got to me because it almost assured me that there is a cosmic law that even higher beings have to follow. I made the mistake of not writing down what I asked it as soon as I woke up because I can not remember the full conversation. Another thing that my higher self told me wasn't an answer to a question but a message of its own to me. It told me that my daughter had a gift for science and that she had the gift to obtain a great career in this realm. I was taken back because none of my other two boys were brought up, only she was. It requested that I feed this gift by nurturing her curiosity and making her feel supported. Now I'm contemplating how I can provide her with a good scientific education, she already goes to a good school for girls that is set up to help young girls obtain greatness. The last exchange I remember having with this sentient being is telling it that I loved it dearly and appreciated its helpful information. I woke up with the same amount of consciousness that I had going in as if the fine line between sleep and being awake was non present. Now that I have had my first conversation with my higher self, I will continue to expand my experiences in this topic and post them here so that I can know if anyone else out there has gone through something similar.