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    by , 01-26-2011 at 02:30 PM (521 Views)
    Didn't have really enough time to sleep this night, barly got 5 and a half..
    Tonight was the FILD night, but that didn't went exactly as planned. I woke up, but I moved just to much. Next time I will prevail!

    I don't know what I was doing up until now but the mother and sister of a friend of mine came running to me, and they yelled something like "The biggest storm of the season is coming!" and "Please help us prepare our house!"
    So I was like okay lol, and went with them.


    I think it's after the storm now, and the mother and sister now ask me to clean their garden (which doesn't look at all like their real garden).
    So I take of my cloths and start eating 3 mushrooms at a time, which seems reasonable. But I can hear / see them comming, so I but back my clothes on and quickly gather some scrap to show them I was working.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
