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    Dream of Nov 12th

    by , 11-15-2010 at 03:07 AM (406 Views)
    Well, it would seem I was a detective, and there were 2 other detectives. We needed to figure out who broke into this house, and stole some stuff(I knew who it was... because it was like a movie, and showed me who it was... I think, either that or my dream self saw it.. whatever) So this girl with no voice box stole some stuff, and we needed to stake a place out to see if she was going to return it, or steal more stuff or what. We werent staking it out too well, because we thought we needed to be clear on what we would watch on TV (You know, you need to agree on the show..) I thought we could watch Cow and Chicken at 8:00 I think. and at 4:15-4:45 there was a show called The Dean Show, I thought oh we could watch that, but found out it wasn't the "Dean Martin Show" so I decided we wouldn't need to. At some point I guess we knew what our robber sounded like,from a sound clip or something. And one of us morphed too look all kind of weird and distorted. They started talking "Only a girl, with no voice box, could sound like this" so we knew it had to be the suspect who really did rob the place... I think there was a large building and some sort of tree house at some point.

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