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    1. Landslide

      by , 01-28-2012 at 01:34 PM
      So the dream begins when my best friend and I are riding in his jeep along a county road to go up to Mt. Baker. We are talking about a band that we both enjoy and I clearly remember vehicles before and behind us on the road. As we are turning around a slow left bend I seem some small rocks, maybe 2-3 inches in diameter rolling across the road. As I look left I notice a cascade of variously sized rocks and boulders and they slam into the side of the jeep. Some of them shooting through it like projectiles. A smaller rock breaks the lens on my glasses and whips through my head while I remain unharmed. The landslide has pushed the jeep into a ditch, so we open our doors and step out. Looking out at what would have been right of the road we see a medium sized house with a two door garage, one of the doors is up by a couple of feet. We proceed into the garage to look for a phone to call and inform the authorities of the landslide, and we see that the garage is actually a large playroom with various toys scattered about. We hear a male voice behind us say "What are you doing here?" and as we turn we see a middle aged man in a dark shirt holding his daughter. We also see about 8 other children all staring at us. We inform him of the accident and he tells his children to go upstairs. Then the dream ends.