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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Fragments for June 29 2011

      by , 06-30-2011 at 09:00 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. My friends from a recent RPG campaign have gathered to perform a work of music I've written. I am leading the ensemble with a marimba, while C.W. plays flute, V.W., K.R., and M.G. all play various percussion instruments. The work is energetic and the conductor is very much into it; there's an extended section of dueling percussion soli.

      2. I get a bulky letter from a great-aunt and uncle I hardly know, and on the outside is written something like "If you love us, you'll be much more important." We go to visit them at their sprawling southern plantation-type home, approaching through a huge bluegrass field with a great oak tree as a centerpiece. The great-aunt sees me from across the field and beckons to me; I run away, although I'm not sure why and am a bit embarrassed.

      3. I'm in downtown Cincinnati with my brother for some reason, when I realize that I'll miss the opera if I don't go home and change into nice clothes. The crowds outside Music Hall are horrible thanks to the traffic of a Reds game and ticketing problems at the venue. As I walk to the ticket window, MB. T. and her friends jump out of a car and begin to walk behind me. I double my pace to avoid them, but she calls me and I turn around to hug her anyway. A random acquaintance from college, Jessica B., remarks "smooth move," but no one else present thinks this remark is appropriate.

      4. I again run into MB at a games club/cigar making club?

      5. I'm playing pro baseball, which is serious business in the dreamworld. I miss an important catch, which leads our team to a loss. I am summarily expelled from the team and jailed. In my cell, I get a call from another criminal asking if I want to sell drugs. I act like I have some to receive visitors, then take advantage of the open gate to run like crazy. I get shot but keep running anyway.
    2. Fragments for June 25 2011

      by , 06-27-2011 at 01:22 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm called by the police after a concert to report on some crime; the process takes forever and I miss getting to my job.

      2. Setting of dream is the same as the webcomic "Erfworld." A "good" character has called a massive flood to save her sister, but in doing so wipes out countless other lives. There's a view of a prisoner in an open-air dungeon with a terrified look on his face as the water sweeps in to overwhelm him.

      3. I'm playing some sort of turn based strategy version of Super Smash Brothers; the opposing team is Mario and Luigi, and Luigi is kicking away my ranged attacks with his taunt move.
    3. Fragments for June 23 2011

      by , 06-24-2011 at 09:23 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I place a mail order for two large grey discs of "questionable literary material." They arrive in my backyard at a bad time, as I'm playing something with my brother and my mom is on the patio talking. I keep my cool and wait until night to bring them in, but both parents are still puttering around. My dad goes outside to get a radio; I perceive him like guard from Metal Gear Solid. I make a mad dash past him with the discs under my arm, then run up the stairs, stash them under my bed and get ready to go back out. My brother then enters, dressed in a little green man alien costume.

      2. I'm playing some sort of Disney/Halo crossover game. Its first level is a straightforward run and gun with an HMG, but the second is sniper mission that my dad and I can't beat. I scan a crowd of faces with my scope, but don't see the character I'm supposed to kill. I shrug and give up, and the sniper nest turns into a hotel room.

      3. I'm biking at a local college, where I see my friend C.W. I invite him to have lunch with me.
    4. Fragments for June 22 2011

      by , 06-23-2011 at 06:29 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm in a bar, relaxing somewhat awkwardly at a table with my frenemy H.B. and his girlfriend J.J. The interior reminds me of a bar in my old college town, but the view out the windows is that of a bustling supermarket in my hometown. H. asks for a pitcher of water as I start texting with my own girlfriend. I turn around and notice that the bar proper is taken up by a line of sorority girls, dressed in black Playboy bunny costumes for a frat party.

      2. I decide to go to my old grade school, touring it in a suit, but while doing so I run into people from all levels of schooling. John M. from high school I see in the bathroom, the high school art teacher I see in the hall (interviewing for a position here), and C.W. and S.A. from college I see on the stairs as I'm leaving.

      3. I stay up very late watching some football game... then go to sleep. I FA into my own bed at 9 o'clock at night, and my brother is sitting on the chair beside me playing Nintendo DS. My mom walks into the room and starts to berate me for my lateness and asks me how I expect to eat.
    5. Fragments for June 21 2011

      by , 06-23-2011 at 05:27 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. Playing D&D, which transitions from a traditional fantasy universe to a Western, and then into a LARP Western. I walk into a bar, where I meet a girl named Alice Smith, who's crying over some form that requires the sheriff's signature. I take up her case, and as I converse with her I read through a book of frontier law (failed RC). I eventually go get the sheriff's signature, but as I'm coming back to give her the form, I see a wanted poster for Alice as a Canadian spy. Disgusted, I leave, and meet up with the rest of my party in a nearby arcade. I notice a bunch of college friends at a restaurant table close to the arcade, but I don't go to meet them.

      2. I come across two very attractive women on the porch swing at the front of my old house. They are disdainful of me, but after a bit James Bond falls from the roof onto the porch in front of them, completely naked. They start cooing over his manliness, and this is so ridiculous I sort of wake up. I almost manage a semi-lucidity and insert myself into James Bond's body, but this is more of vivid daydream level of reality instead of true lucid sensation. I can't honestly count it as lucid, especially with poor recall as to subsequent events.

      Updated 06-23-2011 at 06:15 PM by 32914

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Possible Dream Guide and Fragments for June 18 2011

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:07 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm walking through a sun-speckled woodland on a wide blacktop path, and the way is quite peaceful and warm. Out of the woods comes an oddly attractive figure, a six-armed lizardwoman. She starts to walk beside me and introduces herself as a "mover and shaker" who has time-traveled from close to the end of civilization. As she continues to speak, I realize that she's really rather amoral but is very intelligent, and I'm drawn to her. As we reach the end of the path, I ask her for her name: she smiles and replies, "Fukiyume."

      Note: When I woke up, I did some searching on that name. The compound "Fukiyume" is meaningless, adopted only once as a username on an obscure Italian forum. However, both "Fuki" and "Yume" are legitimate Japanese words. "Fuki" refers to a shoot vegetable, and "Yume"... means "dream!" I was certainly unaware of that consciously, but I've seen enough anime (including Ghost Hound) to possibly have it in the subconscious. I'll have to see if this DC appears again.

      2. I'm on the highway entrance ramp near my house, phoning my mom who's in a car on the exit ramp. We're trying to coordinate our Father's Day shopping, with little success.

      3. I'm at the clinic of a smiling doctor whose specialty is urology, waiting for some routine procedure. Across from the waiting lobby is a banner that morphs according to the type of surgery he's performing at the time. Eventually the banner shifts to tell me it's my time, and I go to an operating room that looks like a bathroom from my old house. I'm allowed to select my own anesthesia, and I try for a hypnosis MP3. The one I pick has a very creep female hypnotist, however, and I'm unable to trance as I start to panic about the knife's cut.
    7. Fragments for June 17 2011

      by , 06-19-2011 at 04:48 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm reading the steampunk novel "The Difference Engine" and taking notes in the margins with the pen I use for my dream journal. These concern an idea I have to rewrite the story in America, casting it in a more comical light with plenty of snarky humor. For example, I reference "All About the Benjamins" and make Ben Franklin a cocky womanizer.

      2. I'm in a hospital for some routine test. I notice J. C. from high school with his sister in the waiting room, and I seek to avoid him by ducking down a hallway. I sit at the end of the hall and read a magazine. When I come back to the waiting room, my old friend W. L. is there talking to someone...
    8. MGM Kissing Booth and Fragments for June 12-13 2011

      by , 06-14-2011 at 04:02 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. My family visits MGM studios at Disney World. One of the main attractions seems to be a large kissing booth with "famous people," but all one can see of these people is a pair of lips. There are text descriptions of each person under their lips, from Einstein to Disney himself and more. I explore for a bit, then head to the exit area, where a friendly Disney employee offers Purell hand sanitizer and a station for making PB&J sandwiches. As I exit into a garden, I look up at the sky and see two missiles streaking down towards the ground. I remark to myself how much the missiles look like breasts, then run to the impact site. My dad is nearby, pissed off, because the missiles were aimed at his bicycle as punishment for trying to enter an attraction through a forbidden doorway. He mentions he might not have been on best terms with Disney, as they caught him littering before.

      2. Some sort of four-color version of the webcomic Cyanide and Happiness. The characters are attacked by a shark while on an ocean raft, and they hold it off. The dream ends when the characters start to peel layers off of themselves, revealing different shirts.

      3. Vague account of bounding like a dog through a streetlight night...
    9. Passing Her in the Dark and Fragment for June 11

      by , 06-14-2011 at 03:51 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm on my recent girlfriend's Facebook, where I see her pictures from field school. She's shaved her head, and she's standing with an old friend from college S. T. I laugh, shut my laptop down, and head into the night. I go to a bank, where I'm trying to get a summer job. On my way in, I see the same girl, but she has a full head of hair and is wearing our green senior class shirt. She says softly to me, with a bit of worry in her eyes, "I was never here." I don't know what to say, so I pass her and enter the bank. I don't get the job, but my parents are in the bank and walk out with me. She's still there, although my parents don't seem to notice her. She affirms, "Seriously, if we somehow meet I was never here."

      2. I'm at the opening game of the World Series. Joseph Stalin is opening the ceremonies with a rant about Russia's nuclear capabilities.
    10. Fragment for December 16 2010

      by , 12-17-2010 at 06:07 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I'm hanging out with one of my advisers from my summer internship. He's filming a documentary about global warming, and he walks through the halls of his university as I follow him in a powered wheelchair (having great fun as I do this). He and the film crew then take off for London, and I follow them onto the plane. I realize that I haven't packed anything for the trip and start to freak out.
    11. Fragments for October 20 2010

      by , 10-21-2010 at 01:53 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm walking through the Grand Canyon with a school trip. Everything is ridiculously clear and vivid; the sky is the bluest I've ever seen and the rocks are towering above. We go to climb some of the cliffs and the texture of the rocks is rough beneath my fingers.

      2. All I remember is shaving, and shaving poorly. Whenever I draw the razor across my face, I nick it and draw blood. Once I even pull a sheet of skin off instead of hair. I'm hurt and frustrated.
    12. Fragments for October 18 2010

      by , 10-19-2010 at 02:05 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm part of Ganondorf's wedding party. The ceremony is to take place in a skyscraper, which we enter through a doorway labeled "Weddings for Demons." As we ride up the fully mirrored elevator, I take note of my dress. I'm in all black with a long coat, and pull out a magnum from a side pocket. Others on the elevator roll their eyes and tell me to put the damn gun away.

      2. A bunch of college friends and I are in a zombie apocalypse theme park, almost like laser tag. We're gearing up for the first round, and the only improvised weapons we can find to use are musical instruments.

      3. I'm racing RC cars with my friend Q. We're on a farm so there's plenty of space, and my RC motorcycle rips along the paths to take a strong lead. I soon miss a turn, however, and the vehicle ends up falling into a lake. A bunch of rednecks are swimming, and they start to throw the motorcycle deeper into the water and fry its electronics. I drop my controller in the water too and start to cry.

      4. Someone has time-traveled back to make the Confederacy beat the Union, and I'm watching the ripple effects as they take place in the present day. Surprisingly, not much changes, but all the advertising signs become much more blatant and stereotypically Southern.

      Updated 10-20-2010 at 03:21 AM by 32914

      dream fragment
    13. Fragments for September 2-3 2010

      by , 09-04-2010 at 07:09 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I am in jazz band, and my bass skills fail me rather epically.

      2. I'm drinking with my friends, in what amounts to a rehash of the truth-or-dare game from the night before.

      3. I visit a shooting range with my dad and pop off a good deal of rounds fairly accurately. I note that instead of my meager 22 rifle, I could be renting Uzis and machine guns! Before I can do so, a whole busload of deaf and dumb people pour out onto the range. They talk in sign language to each other and begin to shoot.
    14. Fragments for August 27 2010

      by , 08-29-2010 at 03:49 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm reading articles on the internet, and see that the University of Kentucky has a sophisticated oil-cleanup system. I stop reading that and read about a local college's study abroad program. One is to Kenya, another to another African country where the girls are very fat. Also on the website is the college's opening ceremony, where a Christian singer's voice is beautiful enough to cause chicken eggs to hatch.

      2. I visit the same college's game club. I see myself playing a board game with P and others, and express surprise.
    15. Fragments for August 22 2010

      by , 08-24-2010 at 03:56 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm dressing in my room to go to my old high school. I'm indecisive, and wind up taking clothes with me into the school bathroom. I change several times, but the bell rings when I'm in a long-sleve shirt, shorts, and gym shoes with long socks. This is an ugly combination and I have a minor panic attack as I have to go to class.

      2. I'm walking the streets of a generic city with my mom. Together we enter a Jamaican-themed hotel, where a steel-drum fronted band is playing a tropical tune. My mom steals the bass and rips off a solo, then throws the bass to me. I miss, and the bass crashes to the floor. We leave and go to eat, and I am rude to her as dinner conversation continues. She reaches a breaking point and tells me tearfully that she's hidden three divorces previous to my dad and my own conception.
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