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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. First night writing them down. Three very odd dreams...

      by , 08-03-2010 at 10:45 PM
      Well it was my first night recalling my dreams and actually writing them down. I had three really weird dreams. I woke up on my own between each one and before i went back to sleep each time i kept repeating to myself to have a dream and remember it.

      First Dream. 2:17 AM

      I dont remember too much of it. I think there was a small line of people. Maybe eight across and two people thick. A man with a stubby beard looked like the last time he shaved was between the last six and ten days. I'm pretty sure I remember that man saying something. I think he said "In the line of the lamb". Or someting like that. I know there was something about a lamb in it. When i woke up i was very confused. I've thought about that line 'In the line of the lamb' trying to figure out what it means but i just cant seem to. Anyways. Very short dream.

      Second Dream 6:22 AM

      This ones alittle hard to explain. And like the first one, I dont remember to much of it. Picture everything as if everything including the sky was covered in cereal crumbs. Everything had its normal color, it just looked almost like static or like it was crusty. The whole dream consists of a middle aged man doing construction work. Probably because there was construction work outside of my appartment being done but anyways, the man in my dream was wearing an orange hardhat and a faded blue button up and he was in farely good shape as well. He was using a jack hammer to the road. He looked like he was angry at the road but he might have just been lost in concentration. It was a short dream and consisted of one thing like i said, but kept hold of my interest. This dream might have been longer and led to other things but the real construction workers outside woke me up.

      Third Dream 6:50 AM

      I dont remember this one more than the other two. It was a farely long dream but i only remember the first part. It was very strange. All that was going on(in the part i remember) was I was racing one of my friends in grocery shopping. It was like speed grocery shopping. We were riding on the carts and going as fast as we can. I think there were other people too like from some camp or something that we were apart of but they had on a camp shirt and we didnt. I think the shirt was yellow with green writing but what it said, I have no clue. Anyways, our moods were playful. The light in the grocery store was some what dim. And I think at one point the camp leaders or something lost us and went on without us. My friend and I seemed to have even more fun. Until my firend went on to find them outside and I wanted to follow him but it was dark outside it looked like it was 11 at night or so and i couldnt see him. So I went to a corner of the parking lot and I heard him call my name and i smiled and hopped in the car. Now that i think of it, Im pretty sure that was the whole dream.

      Like I said, three very odd, short dreams in one night. But im proud of what I remembered since it was my first night of writing in my dream journal.