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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Pukin' with homestar

      by , 06-30-2010 at 10:38 PM (Cardgage's Dream Journal)
      I am with homestar runner in this neighborhood. The houses are normal and in front of them is a yard and everything, but where the street should be the ocean starts (like a boat dock). Anyhow homestar and I are trying to eat something strange (I think it might have been worms). We are both grossed out, and homestar says (while chewing) "look at the ocean". At this point homestars face becomes green and he says "it's all waaaaaavey." At this point he pukes up whatever he was eating.

      I start walking along the shoreline/front-yards. The ocean was aparently trying to eat a carrot, but like homestar and I, carrots were not it' natural food, so it spit it out onto a driveway of one of the houses. The odd thing is, I knew it was a carrot and it had the same color/texture, but it was shaped like a ginger root.
