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    1. The boy and the house

      by , 07-02-2014 at 09:30 PM
      I don't dream nightmares in the typical sense since usually it's mostly the dwelling of fear following me through the night.
      The first time I found the little boy was when I was playing with many other children. It was outside if an old farm house which I'm sure was my home and we played in the large lush green field mainly on a giant pile of hay. The nightmare was when I knew someone fell into the hay, I knew exactly where they were do j pulled them out. It was a little blonde boy with a generic innocent child's face he wore a red and white checkered pair of overalls and I felt as though I knew him. I was relieved to see him and it was then that I realized that I had been afraid the whole time. We then began to play together and soon when the sun was setting I helped him find home. It turned out that he lived nearby and so I bid him farewell.
      The second nightmare I was reborn as a monster kind of like Frankenstein and some scientist was slicing me open for fun I could almost feel the pain and I could smell the clinical ness of the room and the smell of blood. He would try and cut my face or my chest and something told me to never let that happen that I'd probably die if he cut there so if tell him to slice my leg or my arms instead and he would. I remember crying in my nightmare although I was also trying to be brave. The next part got a bit fuzzy all I really know for certain is that there was another monster now and he was just as afraid as me. We endured pain together until we knew that we had to escape, I don't know why we didn't try before. It was so easy before I knew it we were running out of the building with sweaters over our heads to hide our monster faces. I felt a sense of urgency I knew "they" would be looking for us. We were outside and it was sunny there were tall trees pinning the streets and there leaves we're brilliantly green. Now that I think of it the sun was never absent in my dream, it always found some way to filter inside. We came to a little White House and the side of it stretched out further hiding the front steps but not the door. The roof is brown and there's a large window at the front by the door and in the wall next to the door if that makes any sense. I remember feeling relieved when I saw the house though I've never seen it before but part of me has always known that it would be there. Us two monsters go up the porch and knock on the door. A young woman with brown hair opens it and we tell her yah we need to hide. She recognizes me though I don't know her. She lets me in and I see her son it's the same little boy in his checkered overalls. She tells him to hide us and he leads us yo his bedroom wet he draws the blinds. It's the room facing the street and we hide there mostly spending our time under the window sill it's the safest place and I know it. The little boy brings us food and water he remembers me and that makes me feel safe. I'm more relaxed now I can tell my friend is too. When the man who created us showed up on the doorstep we became afraid again. I peaked out the window keeping the blinds mostly shut. The man doesn't see me and I'm so scared my leg where he cut me burns. My partner feels uneasy and the little boy hides with us as his mother opens the door. She talks to the man and he eventually leaves, he doesn't know that we were there and that's when my alarm woke me up.
      The third nightmare I'm just afraid and I'm running I don't know why and I don't know where all I know is that I'm not safe and I shouldn't stop running. I want to cry I'm so afraid there coming for me I'm so scared I need to hide going to die I don't want to die... I'm lost it's dark outside ecerythings a blur my chest hurts it's warm outside it must be spring or maybe summer. No ones around I'm do alone then I see the little house. Same white skidding same brown roof safe neat little lawn on the street lined with trees and I know I've made it. I knock on the door I pray he'll answer and the door opens and there's the little boy taking me by the hand. I step inside he closes the door and I'm finally safe.
      Then last night which I remember barely anything about all I know is that I need to find the house so I must be afraid. I'm not scared yet but I know I will be. I see the house but this time it's blue. I stand outside for a bit wondering why but I don't really mind, I like blue and I still feel safe I still know that going in is the right thing to do. I want to cry but I don't really know why. I knock on the door and it opens I step inside and that's when I wake up but I already know that the little boy is their and everything will be okay.