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    Norwegian Checkers, Japanese Furniture, Fan Mail

    by , 06-05-2011 at 02:56 PM (368 Views)
    1. My brother claims to know how to play Norwegian checkers. Since the game is legendarily difficult, my sister and I are asking him a lot of questions

    sister: "Who taught you how to play?"
    brother: "A girl in my class."
    sister: "Did she know how to play?"
    brother: "Of course!"
    sister: "Did she really know, or were you just taking her word for it?"
    me: "You know, a lot of people claim to know how to play chess, but they actually change a lot of the rules. Is it like that?"
    brother: *nods* "I just took her word for it. I don't think anyone knows the exact move order."

    2. I am playing a computer game with my brother while texting Cassie. I tell her that I am thinking of buying some Mishigami furniture (I don't know if mishigami is the exact word, but is was pretty close to that. Apparently my brain just made up a japanese-y sounding word to represent japanese furniture.) She responds with something like "For mishigami, i don't ask around at parties." In the dream, I realize that she is talking about some party we had been at (all fictional) where she had been telling me about japanese furniture. Now, she is accusing me of having 'stolen' the information from her.

    Meanwhile, in the computer game, I boast to my brother that I have all the monk upgrades. He says, "I think I do too." I say, "I don't think your civilization can get all of them." He points to his market and says, "See, I have all of them." I point to the monastery and say, "You get them here, not at the market." He says, "No, the monastery is just so you can unlock the stable, and that's where you trade your resources, when you unlock it." He pretty much turns out not to know the proper function of a single building in the game, and I am very surprised that he is a competent player and I wonder how he gets by.

    3. I have joined a website, and I am still trying to figure out the culture of the community. I submit a short story, and it is featured on the front page of the website, so I think, "good, I must have done my research properly." I get a pm from some girl that goes something like:

    Hay i lyked ur story. my fav part was te wizzard. r u a cristian? i am a cristian nd i luve jesus. i am a shaman with a tedy so join my clan.

    EDIT: also I remembered a fragment, about a baby toddling around in the snow, with a giant pair of hands picking up snow and packing it onto the baby, making him a walking snowman.

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    Updated 06-05-2011 at 07:40 PM by 47510

