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    1. First Post, Second Successful LD

      by , 05-10-2012 at 12:10 AM
      Posting this late, but last night I had my second successful LD, after having read a lot on this site several hours before.

      On both of my lucid dreams that I've had, (WILD) I start to float around my bedroom, then do a few checks to make sure I'm dreaming.

      Last night after I checked the light switch, I opened my window and floated around outside, and decided to fly, and immediately rocketed up into the night, which promptly caused me to plunge into darkness and forget what I was doing and why. I immediately ended up in the mudroom of my house, and had somewhat of a false awakening. I wasn't sure if I was still dreaming, and then my dad came up to me and started talking about my finances. Because I had mentioned to him previously that I have been attempting lucid dreaming, and he seemed to think the idea strange, I decided not to discuss that I had just been flying around outside in a lucid dream.

      Despite the fact that I could remember being outside flying just before I was speaking to him, for some reason I lost my lucidity and I remember thinking this is real, I'm awake. Shortly after, I came around, back in my bed, obviously, and realized that I probably could have kept things going had I used better tactics and dream stabilization.

      Maybe I'll fare better tonight. Or rather right now . . .