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    My weirdest dream, possibly ever.

    by , 10-27-2010 at 01:50 PM (457 Views)
    I had this dream ages ago, but thought I'd post it up anyway. I was wearing blue and white striped pyjamas in this dream, which I have never worn before in my life. A weird disease was going round that caused you to grow fingernails where you shouldn't. It was slightly horrific actually, for a young girl. Bear in mind this happened a few years ago now? I am only 15. However, on with the dream. I Looked down at my hands and noticed bubbles of skin... fingernails growing out of the skin. I was swept by a weird sense of calm however and began to search for a solution. I then found a group of others cursed with the same horrible disease. I noticed they where jumping off into a large crack in the ground, where flames hissed at the bottom. They to were wearing the same pyjamas as I was. I decided that I would join them in jumping. I approached the edge. I jumped. Before I hit the ground, I awoke in my bed. I was slightly disturbed and wondered what this could mean.

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    non-lucid , memorable
